A white background with a black and white logo


Three angels are flying in a row and one is holding something.

Is It Chance Or Destiny?

Michael Shapiro Phone: 773-677-6460
Email: [email protected]
Main Menu My Angelic Adventures The Earth School I Quit I'm Stuck Here They Saved My Life Matthews Message

A man in a wheelchair is sitting on the ground

They wouldn’t let me come home. I have been fighting them for 40 years but

they finally got the best of me and I just have to shut up and do my job.

It started after I crashed my cab, and they screwed my hip back

together. After that I could not walk very well. I went from a wheel

chair to a walker and then finally to a cane.


Then after six years my hip started to hurt very bad. It was like a knife

was sticking in it. After I had a few Cat-scans they decided that I had a bone

growing over another bone and that was what caused all the pain so they decided to operate, OK.


Then they started getting me ready for the surgery which included more imaging and preparation.


Guess what?


They found something very strange. They saw that the arteries in my heart were very bad and that

I had to have a quadruple bypass.


I was on the bed when the told me and then it came to me. The pain in my thigh was there to get

me to go to the hospital and have them check everything until they found my Heart problem. I had

no idea that I had a problem there. After all I have been going to the Doctor on a regular basis for 6

years now.


Now I had to prove my theory, so what did I do? I stood up !


Guess what? The severe pain in my hip was gone and it never came back to that same extent

and I did not have the hip surgery. God forced me to find out the real problem.


So I had my quadruple bypass surgery. The Doctor said that my arteries were very bad

but my heart was in great shape and that I would recover. My Hip still doesn’t bother me !!


Well there was one more variable, My heart was in good shape, strong, why was that?

Well if I was a normal person I would be driving my car every ware, but instead because

of my Hip Surgery I did a lot of walking and walking and more walking, well guess what

that exercise is what made my heart that strong.


So my car crash really did save my life ! I had nothing to do with anything

I went to surgen on Wednesday and he said “Your OK Don’t Come Back” .


I Said, ” I will see you next week.”


I was wrong, I saw him the next day!


Image result for Bleeding Operation Men

The first night home I couldn’t sleep in my bed, so I slept sitting up, by doing

that I put a lot pressure on my stomach. I had 2 holes in my stomach where

they had inserted tubes that they used during my surgery to drain the blood.

But they were just covered up with 2 Bandages, there were no stitches?


Because I was sitting up it caused them burst open. When I woke up to go to the Bathroom my T-Shirt

was soaked with Blood. I went back to the Hospital. On the way Back I put a bandage on it and held it

tight but by the time I got back to the hospital my second t-shirt was soaked with blood.


The Doctor could not believe I was back so soon.


They sewed me up and then let me go home the next day, but that night I went back again !


My Blood pressure was over 200 for more than two hours. This time they changed my Medication,

because it just was not strong enough, so they kept me overnight for observation and sent me home again.


So After my surgery I had to go back to the Hospital two more times!!!!


I guess they really did not want me back yet ! ! ! !


Everyone said that GOD Saved my life because I wasn’t finished yet.


So do the Adventures start again?

I guess I am supposed Start another company. I thought about it for at least two months and was

fighting with the boys about it but they won. “Liberty Mortgage” was back for the second time.

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