Is It Chance OrDestiny- What’s It All About?
Michael Shapiro – Email: Phone: 773-677-6460
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Life On Earth
Let’s face it, life on Earth isn’t easy! But it’s the obstacles
and difficulties in life whichare the seeds of wisdom.
Ask anyone if they’d want to live their life over, andthey’ll say:
“Only if I know what I know now!”
We’re all students in this Earth University of Life.
In my younger years, I questioned – or more to the point, I
confronted God. Why was Heso cruel? Why are there wars? Why do so many people suffer
in anguish? Why dochildren die? What about natural disasters? Why is life so hard? Why
does evil appearto be so strong? What’s it all about?
During my life-long adventure, I’ve drawn a few conclusions:
On the Other Side, the soul is without fear oranguish.
It knows nothing of suffering or pain, which arethe difficult lessons we learn from our journey
onthe earth plane.
We’re just here to learn, like children going off toWithout these lessons, the soul cannot grow
in wisdom.
Jesus was the son of God, but we all are childrenof God. The difference is that when Jesus was
incarnated he already was a perfect Soul and He volunteered to come here to helpmankind to be
a living example of love!
Our souls are not yet perfect, which is why we’re here striving for perfection so we can be one with God.