Is It Chance OrDestiny?
Michael ShapiroPhone: 773-677-6460
Email: [email protected]
Main Menu My Angelic Adventures The Earth School I Quit I'm Stuck Here They Saved My Life Matthews MessageI stopped writing his book about two years ago because I was tired and
I felt that I was not goinganywhere. I got angry one day and I told the
Boys “I Quit” I just could not work for them any longer.
Then a few months Later I gave them a second chance, but nothing
had changed and I quit for the 2nd time, I thought it for good.
Then they did it to me again:
This book was hosted with a company named “ARVIX”. They host over 100,000 we sites. They have
2 platforms.
Their Unix Platform, C++ hosts about 97% of their sites
Their Windows Platform hosts about 3% of their sites.
This book was hosted on their “Windows” Hosting Pannel.
Well guess what happened one day, ofcoursetheir “Windows” server crashed and I lost everything. So
I had tocompletelyre-program this web site. Lucky I had a copy of my printed book version and it only
took me about a week to get the web site back up and running . but I did loose all my adventures that I
had after I wrotethe web site. I got mad again and I quit for the third time. I have had a lot ofadventures
since that I havenotwrittenabout.
My New Cane-My New Tools
My New Cane-My New Tools.
I have been doing a lot of traveling lately in some very dangerous placesneighborhoods
and I started to worry about my safety. Then Istarted to thinkabout something very,
very weird.
Since I walk with a cane I had an idea. You can adjust the lengthof a canedepending on
how tall you are. If you press a button thelength gets longer or shorter. So I had an idea.
I thought that Icould put an icepick inside the metaltube and then if I ever got in trouble
I could shortenthe length of thecaneand the ice pick would popout.
The family had a Barb-a-que one Saturday and I brought up the subject to the family. My son
responded “Dad! James Bond, (007) had a cane and when he did that a sword popped out
instead an Icepick” That is not a new idea! I could not do it anyway because my cane was
not working.
Then it happened!
Wayne called me up and asked me if I an and knew where to get some empty boxes. I told him we
could go to the grocery store ask for some or we can drive through the alleys behind them and see
ifthey threw any away in their Dumpsters.
We drove into our 1st ally and stopped at the 1st Dumpster we found and then looked at it, and
whatdid I see? You guessed it “A Cane leaning against the wall and it was newer and in better
shape thanmine.
When we got back into the car Wayne and could not believe what just happened.
It was only two hoursafter Itold my family about my idea and the fact that my cane was broken
and couldgo up and down, I found a new cane in the alley looking for empty boxes.
Remember !
Wayne called me
I needed a new one
Wayne needed the boxes
My sons told me about 007
My wife said to go to the groceries stores
The odds are “0”
Wayne even said they gave me a new “Tool”
The Boys message was“They will give me the Tools I will need to continue with mydestiny”.
I Had A Dream About My New Cane
I Had A Dream About My Cane
I went to bed one night very, verydisappointed, every thing I did was a waste of time. I made
NO money in the last 5 months. How do I fight the Banking system if I can’t close a loan.
I told the “Boys”
“I have quit many, many times in the past but I really can not go on with out onesuccess.”
I was very tired of all times they teased me to keep me on my path, but I haven’t had one
success. Everything I tried to do failed and that is why I had my cane adventure. They had to
give me some hope.
in December of 2015 I contracted to sell a mortgage company to a publicly traded company.
It’sstock was only selling for only .05 cents per share, but I would have made $100,000
commission. That was themoney I needed to start my new mortgage company. Here is was
October of 2016 it did notcloseyet.
I just wanted to do back home to the otherdimension, so of course they teased me again. I had
a very intense dream thatI could never forget !!!!
I was sitting in a bank lobby of course with my cane and all of a sudden a group of armend
masked menstormend into the bank with guns to rob the bank. They made us all putour hands
in the air.
I raised my hands with my cane in one hand and one of the masked man came over to me
and asked me “What am I doing here?”
I replied, ” I came hereto rob the Bank with my cane but you beet me to it” He laughed and
in the middle of the robbery we started to talk. Then some of the others came over and joined
our conversation. They liked it and said I could join the Gang if I wanted to. That was insame
but I joined the bank Robbers Gang and help them rob the Bank.
What did lt all mean ? ? ?
Remember they gave me my new cane, which ment that I have the tools I need tofulfill my destiny.
So nowmy cane, my tool helped me recruit the gang to help mefulfillit.
I Am Finished They Took My Tool Back
I Am Finished They Took My Tool Back
We just talked about them giving me the tools I need to finish my mission represented by
my cane.
I was tired trying and trying again with noting happening. They gave me the tools I need
but to now nothing has happened, so I gave them my 2 weeknotice.
I wrote them a letter I quit in 2 weeks and created aCalendarand X the days as they went by.I got to day 7 and it happened.
it wnterydisappointed, every thing I did was a waste of time. I made
NO money in the last 5 months. How do I fight the Banking system if I can’t close a loan.
I told the “Boys”
“I have quit many, many times in the past but I really can not go on with out onesuccess.”
I was very tired of all times they teased me to keep me on my path, but I haven’t had one
success. Everything I tried to do failed and that is why I had my cane adventure. They had to
give me some hope.
in December of 2015 I contracted to sell a mortgage company to a publicly traded company.
It’sstock was only selling for only .05 cents per share, but I would have made $100,000
commission. That was themoney I needed to start my new mortgage company. Here is was
October of 2016 it did notcloseyet.
I just wanted to do back home to the otherdimension, so of course they teased me again. I had
a very intense dream thatI could never forget !!!!
I was sitting in a bank lobby of course with my cane and all of a sudden a group of armend
masked menstormend into the bank with guns to rob the bank. They made us all putour hands
in the air.
I raised my hands with my cane in one hand and one of the masked man came over to me
and asked me “What am I doing here?”
I replied, ” I came hereto rob the Bank with my cane but you beet me to it” He laughed and
in the middle of the robbery we started to talk. Then some of the others came over and joined
our conversation. They liked it and said I could join the Gang if I wanted to. That was insame
but I joined the bank Robbers Gang and help them rob the Bank.
What did lt all mean ? ? ?
Remember they gave me my new cane, which ment that I have the tools I need tofulfill my destiny.
So nowmy cane, my tool helped me recruit the gang to help mefulfillit.
Two Days Later John Called Me
Two Days Later John Called Me
I met John Over 2 years ago at a mortgage seminar and he had a thought that he should call me
for some financial help. He said he thought of it a couple days ago but some thing told he to call
me now.
It was the “Boys” of course.
He had some properties in Springfield Illinois that he needed to do something with and might
be able to get 4,000 homes in Africa ! ! ! ! !
He wants to meet me in Springfield, (180 mile away) and he said he would even pick me up.
Come on, Stop it already! ! ! ! !
I must be aStubbornASS! ! ! !
Liberty Met Liberty ???
They Keep Showing Me That I Have My Tools.
I have been working on a loan for over a year, It was a construction loan for a garage and
the a house.We had every problem you canimagine;
Permit problems
Financing Problems
Contractor Problems
But they finished me off today with the ultimate message!
We went to “Menards” to see if we could take over the project ourselves. We went to one department,
then toanotherdepartment and then to still to a thirddepartment.We finally started to talk to a
clerk andtell her our problems. I saw a man standing next to hersmiling, I new what was
happening andsure enough I was right he, was a contractor. We started to talk to him andfelt he
could really help us with the project.
Then he gave us his Business Card.
The name of his company was “Liberty Construction“
The name of my company is “Liberty Mortgage“
He smiled
My Liberty Mortgage needs a Contractor to do it construction loans as well ! ! ! ! ! What are the
odds? “O” there are no odds, it is imposable. So here we go again ! Another message
I checked into 4 Hospitals in 1 day
I Checked Into 4 Hospitals In One Day!
I have been having problems with mystomach lately. I wascontinuously feeling bloated and
can’t go to the Bathroomon a regular schedule.
My doctor decided that I should go into the Hospital for a colonoscopy. To prepare myselfI had to flush out my system, so I had to drink something to flush me out. Well, it did that
and more.
(Hospital I)
The night before the test as I felt like I was going to pass out. I called an Ambulance and
they took me to the closest Hospital, “Community Hospital” I am a regular there, so Ilaid
around for a while and they gave me some tests. Well found out the pre-test procedures
went a little too far and dehydrated me.
They checked ne in and told me that they would make sure that I got to the other Hospital,
St. Mary in tile for my 1:00 PM Tests.
(Hospital II)
They got me to St. Mary’s on time. They put me under, and I had my colonoscopy. Around
5:00 PM Wayne picked me up and took me home. It was about 4 miles.
The instructions said that I would bleed a little on the toilette paper, If there was more than
that I should come right back. Well by now, you know who I am and of course you knew
what happened! I went to the toilet about 5 times with Diarea but it was all blood. It was like
I washemorrhaging. so I had to back.
(Hospital III)
Since “Community Hospital” only 6 blocks away I went there 1st but they were jammed. I asked
the check in nurse about how long the waiting time was. She couldn’t even guess. She said they
were full and had no idea.
(Hospital IV)
So I got on the Bus and started my trip to St. Mary’s I got there about 10 o’clock and they checked
me right in the fixed me up. I stayed there over night and went back home the next day. Nobody
believes that I really checked into 4 Hospital in 0ne day. Neither do I but I did experience the
Maybe everyone is right, maybe I am just “Full Of It”
I Went Back To The Hospital For more Tests
I Went Back To The Hospital For More Tests!
After all that bullshit I still had the same problem, so I went back to Community Hospital again. This
time I had an endoscope, they went in from the top instead of the bottom and again they didn’t find
I Saved Her Home
I Saved Her Home
A loan modification is a program that helps saves your home from foreclosure. I have one client that
I helped getapproved for one. She didn’t make a mortgage payment or two and a half years. I work
on it for a year and a half, but I finally I got it approved.
She made the payments on time or 11 months but then she got in trouble again and could not pay her
mortgage payments so she called me again and for the second time I had to help her save her Hone!
Butthis time she wasrejected! I felt very, very bad. I talked to the lenders agent to see what he could
do. Sowhat happened “The Boys”had to show me that they are still with me and the Loan was
Then I had an appointment with Wayne today at six o’clock. It was very important, he was going to
driveme toGlendale Heights to pick up a check from my client. It was for the work I did getting her
LoanModificationapproved the second time.
Getting it approved two times meant that I helped save her house from foreclosure twice. She never
paid me much money the first time, but this time I asked her for some. So when Wayne, called I was
very disappointed, so what happened?
While we were talking, my phone beeped at me, a message was being sent to me. OK so what did the
messagesay? At the exact moment that he was canceling she texted me and cancelled at the exact
same time. She was going to Indiana and asked me “if we can do it tomorrow”. That was exactly the
samequestion that Waynewasasking me at that exact moment ! ! ! ! ! !
There are no odds for that ever happen at the exact moment! That was the “Boys” reassuring me that
they arestill there helping me.
My Email Address
My E-Mail Crashed, Another Message ?
Another strange story just happened. Jeff my new partner in the mortgage business wanted me to
start filling out the paperwork to start the New Mortgage Company, Liberty Mortgage so I started to
gather the information that I needed for the application.
One thing that I needed was a new email address, so I started looking.
[email protected] – NOT Available
[email protected] NOT Available
[email protected] NOT Available
[email protected] – WASAvailable -It didn’t look good with the “s”
[email protected] – NOT Available
FinallyI got: [email protected], then it happened. During the process I was going
back and forth from [email protected] to [email protected] it up.
The second I finished the setting up “[email protected]” stopped working. I
calledtechnical support but they couldn’t get it to work either.
“Now that you haveLiberty Mortgage going, you don.t need “[email protected]”
An hour later someone from Comcast called me back and we started working on it again, butthis
time we started talking about the things in this book. My regular class on the Universe, Wellthen I
asked her “Did You Need to hear that?” You know want the answer was. She looked at this web site
and told me that her grand mother also believed in this stuff and was going to tell her.
“The Boys killed two birds with one stone” as the saying goes.
Funny thing happened after that, she fixed my email “[email protected]”
They Fixed My Credit
They Fixed My Credit
In the finance business a very important tool is your credit report. You need a good one to get Licensing,
Insurance, maybe buy a few buildings or what ever.