Is It Chance Or Destiny- What’s It All About?
Michael Shapiro – Email: [email protected] Phone: 773-677-6460
Main Menu My Angelic Adventures Life On Earth Messages Dreams Good & Evil Reincarnation Jesus Psychics
What is a message?
A message is a thought that just seems to pop into your head. Whose
thought is it? Is it your own, or is itfrom your Guardian Angel?
It is like a radio transmitter which transmits the signal, but
in order to receive the signal, we have to first turnon the ‘radio’
and then turn to the right channel.
least expect them. Most of the people that called me to refinance their.
We all can receive them!A message is much more important than a
dream. It puts the information in plain language so our simple mindscan comprehend the
idea or the thought. They come to you when you mortgages read my mailerthat they received,
and then my Angels gavethem a message to call me.
I was successful in business because my Guardian Angels would give my clients the message to call me.
That’s what my clients told me, “Something told me to call you.”
If you really want to help people, God finds a way of you sending people in need. When you do that, you
become one with the Universe. During meditation is a perfect time to send and receive messages.
Through prayer, you can also send and receive messages – especially in a house of worship because the
church or synagogue acts as a filter, filtering out evil and cluttering thoughts.
In the Bible, Moses assembled seventy prophets to receive messages from God. But if you believe, and you
can concentrate or meditate, we all get messages from God or our Guardian Angels – so are we all
prophets? Another good place to get messages is in the car when we’re focused on the road ahead,
because our mind is clear of clutter.
My Messages
We Can Do It Again
One day, while I was driving my car, I got my first real message: “We did it for you the first time and we
cando it foryou again.” They were referring to the time they put me in the mortgage business, and I
wasoverwhelmed withbusiness.
I’m not sure I really want to do it all over again, but with God’s help, maybe I can do it right the second
timearound.We’ll have to see if I’m given a second chance.
To make sure that I would be a mortgage banker again, after a twenty-year hiatus, my Guardian Angels
started to makethe approval process of getting my brokered loans approved very difficult.
So I assume that I am going to be mortgage banker for the second time.
Grow My Beard Back
One day on a bus in New York City, my sister got a message for me, tell your brother to grow his beard
back. So I did,and I still do not know why!
I Am Not Going Back
One day on a bus in New York City, my sister got another message for me; tell your brother he is not
goingback sostop worrying. My sister said “that if I jumped off a cliff I would just walk away.”
After my stroke things have been very difficult, both physically and mentally. I have been praying for
Godtotake meback. I cannot endure much more in this existence any longer.
Everything goes wrong and it all seems so hopeless. It must be God’s plan for me so I can start the next
chapter of mylife. But I am very, very tired.
I Can Come Home
One day, while at the computer, I got a message that “I could come home.” I guess my Guardian Angels
gottired of me complaining about wanting to leave and go back to Heaven.
During the last week, I have become very dizzy. It is not my blood pressure and is not my high sugar
levels,but thereis something very wrong.
The words in my head said that it was my “ticket home.” I felt my Guardian Angels did something to my
health thatwould allow me to go back home to God.
I thought about it for a few minutes and replied “I need two weeks to get my financial affairs in order
so Ican leave my wife a little more money.”
Then I realized something. What would she do without me? What would all the people who needed me
dowithout me?
I could not run away and leave them all behind!