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Aloclean –A Mix Of Ethanol & Gasoline

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The History Of Alcohol Fuels

Ethanol, now a hot technology, in the 1920s and

1930s,they were making ethanol – or at least knew

how-to. The Model T required only a carburetor

adjustment to burn alcohol instead of gasoline.


Henrey Fords said that “Alcohol was the Fuel

Of The Future”.


1826 Samuel Morey uses alcohol in the first American internal combustion engine prototype.


1890 Alcohol-fueled engines were used in farm machinery, train locomotives, and cars in the U.S.

……..and Europe. Ethanol was the first fuel used by American cars before gasoline.


1896 Henry Ford’s  first car, the Quadra cycle, ran on ethanol.


1908 The Ford Model T is introduced. It could run on ethanol or gasoline.


1919 Prohibition police destroyed corn alcohol stills, which some farmers used to produce low cost

…. …ethanol fuel.


1920 Ethyl alcohol was blended with gasoline in every industrialized nation except the United States.


1925 France, Germany, Brazil, and other countries had a “mandatory blending” law. It required

00 0 gasoline retailers to blend alcohol in with all gasoline sold.


1930 The Great Depression forced many more farmers to move to the cities looking for work,

0000 leaving their alcohol fuel stills behind. Henry Ford a farmer himself, supported ethanol’s use

0000 over gas. Ford Motors originally built cars that could be changed slightly to run on gasoline,

0000 alcohol, or kerosene.


1940 First U.S. fuel ethanol plant built. The U.S. Army built and operated an ethanol plant in Omaha,

0000 Nebraska, to produce fuel for the army and to provide ethanol for regional fuel blending.


1940 Virtually no commercial ethanol fuel was sold to the general public in the U.S due to the low price of

0000 gasoline fuel.


1975 U.S. begins to phase out lead in gasoline. MTBE eventually replaced lead. Note: Later, between 2004

0000 to 2006, MTBE banned in almost all states,due to groundwater contamination and health risks.


1980 Oxygenates added to gasoline included MTBE (Methyl Tertiary Butyl made from natural gas and

0000 petroleum) and ETBE (Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether – made from ethanol and E10/E85).


1988 Denver, Colorado, was the first state to mandate ethanol oxygenates fuels for winter use to control

0000 carbon monoxide emissions. Other cities soon followed.


1990 Clean Air Act Amendments – Mandated the winter use of oxygenated fuels in39 major carbon

0000 monoxide non-attainment areas (based on EPA emissionsstandards for carbon dioxide not being

0000 met) and required year-round use of oxygenates in 9 severe ozone non-attainment areas.


1992 The Energy Policy Act of 1992 (EP Act) was passed by Congress to reduce our nation’s dependence on

0000 imported petroleum by requiring certain fleets to acquire alternative fuel vehicles, which are capable

0000 of operating on non-petroleum fuels.


2003 California began switching from MTBE to ethanol to make reformulated gasoline. (California

00000was the first state to completely ban MTBE, effective (MTBE) is a flammable liquid that has

00000been used as an additive for unleaded gasoline since the 1980s. MTBE increases octane and

00000oxygen levels in gasoline and reduces pollution emissions.


2003 Almost ALL states have followed California’s lead, banning MTBE, a few states still have lawsuits

0000 pending with the EPA for exemption from MTBE ban), resulting in MTBE being replaced by ethanol

0000 nationwide.


2005 The Energy Policy Act of 2005, written by the EPA contains regulations to ensure that gasoline sold in

0000 the United States contains a minimum volume of renewable fuel (ethanol is a renewable fuel).


2005 Bombardier Recreational Products (BRP – OMC) is the first marine manufacturer to receive the EPA

0000 “Clean Air Excellence Award”, for their newly re-designed outboard engine called the Evinrude Etec,

0000 specifically designed to run onE10 ethanol gas. Almost all marine engines manufactured prior to

0000 2000 prohibit use of alcohol fuel. See EPA warnings to boat owners and other widespread

0000 precautionary statements issued by all major engine manufacturers regarding use of alcohol fuel in

0000 a conventional engine.


2006 Meny marine and auto engine owners report marine damage and severe engine failure caused by

0000 ethanol blend fuels – Investigations reveal gas sold contained over the legal limit of 10% for E10 or

0000 was used in an engine not designed for gasohol and all types of alcohol-blends of gas.


2006 The Renewable Fuel Standard Program (RFS) was signed. This national renewable fuel program was

0000 designed to encourage the blending of renewable fuels (ethanol) into our nation’s motor vehicle

0000 fuel. The nationwide Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS), would double the use of ethanol and biodiesel

0000 by 2012.


2007 Energy Independence and Security Act signed by Congress and the President, required the

0000 use of 15 billiongallons of renewable (ethanol) fuel by 2015.


2007 About 6.5 billion gallons were produced.


2007 Surge in individual states mandating the use of 10% ethanol E10, gasoline. Rapid increase in

0000 documented engine problems (drivability, performance, parts damage), and lawsuits related to

0000 10 blends of gasoline. Despite 10% being the universally accepted legal limit for ethanol in

0000 conventional gas-powered engines.


2009 ACE, Growth Energy and 54 ethanol producers submitted a waiver application to increase E10 to E15.

0000 Without opposition by 5/21/09, E15 was be allowed at public pumps.