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Aloclean –A Mix Of Ethanol & Gasoline

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Make Your Own Fuel

There are certain expectations in life and especially in the world of high-performance automobiles. The

givens are: horsepower costs money; your engine never makes as much power as you think it should; chassis

dynos always hold back on you, and powerful engines need good (read expensive) fuel. Most of the above

is true except perhaps the last one.

What if we told you there is a simple way to mix two generally available

fuels that wouldincrease the octane rating of the blended fuel while

simultaneously reducing the cost pergallon. Would you believe that?


The skeptics are already shaking their heads, but it’s true. The only

hitch is there are some simple mixing instructions and you will needa gas station that sells E85.Right

away the boo-birds will start whining about all the negatives of E85. But 0f this story isn’t about E85 –

It’s about E30 and E50. These numbers refer to the percentage of ethanol in thefuel. As an example,

nearly all pump premium fuel sold in this country is E10 and has been for years. Byblending pump

premium (or 91 if you like) with E85, you can create a custom blend of high-octane fuel.


Cost Savings Through Better Chemistry

Simply put, if you mix 5 gallons of 91 octane pump gas with 5 gallons of E85, you get 10 gallons of a 96-octane

fuel that’s very close to E50, or 50-percent ethanol and 50-percent gasoline. (If we’re being pedantic, it

actually computes to E48.) The best part is that for most of the country, E85 costs approximately one dollar

less per gallon than pump premium.

(The above information was downloaded from the Internet, however)


In 2007 I came up with the same Idea ! ! ! ! !

When the Mortgage / Real Estate market collapsed . I started my own Cab Company in Forest Park, IL.

Because of my priorexperience with Ethanol, the Cab was green and my Phone Number was “E85 Taxi”,

so I had to burn AlcoholFuel.


So when I bought gas I put in 5 Gallons of Gasoline and 5 Gallons of E85 and made my own Alcohol Fuel

and named it “Alcolean” and trademarked it in Illinois. (.See My Attached Article)

It ran fine with no engine modification or repairs!