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A drawing of the liberty bell in blue ink.

Liberty Mortgage

4415 West Harrison  Suite 326   Hillside, IL 60162     
Phone: 773-677-6460    Fax: 773-439-2450    Email: [email protected]  NMLS 1807234   
Menu Residential Lenders Commercial Lenders Forms Programs Services LOs Logins, Passwords Container Homes

Rocket Mortgage


Tiffaney Coleman


313-751 9768

Cell Phone:



[email protected]

Click Here


[email protected]




VERY competitive and Balanced. Access to some of lowest Mortgage insurance for clients .

putting less than 20% down


Credit Upgrades:

Complimentary /Rapid Rescores- Custom Game plans to improve FICO Scores as a complimentary

service. Improving clients FICO score 20-30 point and saves client $3,300 on average. (Can be done

at TBD stageor locked loan in process


Closing loans in 15 days or less on average. High level Underwriting experience, Vendor Support,

Minimum conditions.SOS Underwriting Hotline:

Direct communication with our top UW Scenario team to go over client scenarios/guidelines prior

to registering the file. 844-937-7567 option 2, option 2.

Extension Days:

FreeIf you needed to Extend the rate lock for any reason, we have a padlock vault of free extension

days.Credit Reports-Tri-merge pull at no cost to your or your client. Give you full visibility of the


Cancel out Competition:

When you register a loan that’s an active lead on retail, the retail loan automatically gets withdrawn

and referred to you.


A perk for your loyalty once you close 15 loans with us over a 90-day period as a company you become

a Pinnacle


We cover all EPOs that happen from another originating company for Pinnacle partners.


We partnered withGoogle for a Guideline search engine. You can find answers to process/guideline

questions by typing in key words.

Exclusive Products:

We partnered with Fannie Mae for a 1% Down payment Conventional loan, Client will get a 2% Down

payment grant with us they never have to pay back or even apply for. Also, there isno mortgage insurance

in the clients payment.


FHA LimitsFNMA LimitsContact Us: Click Here: Order A Credit Report: Click Here