Is It Chance OrDestiny?
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The Earth School Life-1005
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After The Accident
I told the “BOYS” that I quit, I had enough. I also cancelled my
meetingwith ShawnMunster and “NorthAmerican Power”
I sat around the house until January of 2013 and then things
started tohappen again. I guess the boyswanted me to come back
and gave me sometime to accept what had just happened to me.
One Day I got a call from a “Matthew Ashworth”. He had seen my
resumeand wanted me to go to workforhim. He was starting
a new companycalled “Digital Underwriter”. The concept was to
have theLendersoutsource the underwriting of their files, just like
theMortgageProcessingCompany I used tohave. So westarted working together.
I became his marketing Guru:
I created his business cards.
I created his marketing flyers.
I redid all his excel forms and taught him how tomerge the data
between them and how to use mail merge.
I created, or the “Boys” did a new marketingconcept for him. We had
over 1,000 Under-writerslooking for jobs. But we could not get enough
jobsfor all of them, so I got an idea, or The “Boys”gaveme one.
We should turn the Underwriters into the loan processors. Theunderwriter’s job was to correct the
processors mistakes and audit the files. Well if they have to correct themessy files, they might as
well putthem together in the first place !
They could process the Loans and then under-writing them at the sametime. He loved it. They Could
now do the whole thing from beginning to end.
One day I felt like I just had enough. I tried and tried but he didn’t have anymoney to pay me. I
think I onlymade $1,100.00 in three months so I decidedto quit..
I was lying in bed one day when I decided to quit. I then got a telephone calland a new job offer.
What was his name?
Matthew !
What did he do for a living?
Job placement in the Mortgage Industry! Mathew #2 did the same thing asMatthew #1. I guess that
God wanted me to stay in the Mortgage Industry.So I started working for both Matthews andtried
to get then to worktogether as a team. Matthew #1 had the people and Matthew #2 had the Banking
connections.Could I get these twoMatthewstogether ?
The problem I had was that neither Matthew had any money to pay me. They were both using me.
Everyone around me, my sister, my wife, and my sonsall told me that areboth using me !
Then I had a thought or the “Boys” gave me a message, “they are not using me, I am using them”.
What did this mean?
I soon found out! The strange things started to happen again every day. After all my adventures I
knewwhen the boys meant.They were using them to send people to me so I could give them my
speech.It happened when I talked to the under writers that were feeling hopeless.
It happened on the Bus, it happened in the Doctor’s Office, it happened every time someone called
me orsaid a magic word that started me off.
Every time it happened I gave them “My Speech”.
My speech was simply some of my adventures that are written this book and why they are in the
EarthPlain, It was their school. I must have given speech at least 50 times and after every speech I
gave, I askedthem all the same question. “Did You Need To Hear That”? Every one of them said
“YES”, I did not get oneNO yet.
I guess I finally figured out my mission here. I always thought that I was here to fight evil or maybe
evenSatin himself. I always thought that when I was fighting with God I was using God as my
sparring partnerto toughen me up. If I can fight with God, would I be afraid of Satin himself.
Even if I lost it would be OK. How many people doyou know have that much confidence ? During
one of myspeeches I got a very clear message ” You do not have to go one on one with Satin. If your
army wasattacking a fortress would you charge it and loose half of your army ? No, you would
surround it and starvethem out by cutting off their water and food supplies.”I never thought of that, IT
was NOT my idea.
Why would God put up with all my bitching thatyou’ve readin this book. Bonnie my sister, the physic,
once told me that 66% of the Light workerswalked away andQUIT.
She was told that if she quits once, she is out of the deal.She does not understand why I can quit
every dayand I am still in the deal. Who the hell was I in a past life that the “Boys” put up with me
as you have justread. It is obvious that I do have some authority to do it.
You will probably think this next statement is “CRAZY”Or that I have a very big EGO, but there is a
smallchance it might be true, but, during one of my speeches my student said something very, very
strange. Shesaid ” You sound like “MOSES”.
That sounded very, very strange but I remember hearing that before from someone else. I called my
sisterand asked here ” Did you ever tell me that I was Moses in a previous life?
She said “No I am too close to you to see it, but about 20 years ago John Ramsey another Physic said
thatyou were Moses in a previous life.
As crazy as this sounds, even to me, who else would have the nerve to talk to the “Boys” the way Ido ?
One day by chance I talked to one our Underwriters that was looking for a job. I knew I was supposed
to give her my speech, but I did not know why. So I started and then she told me that she was feeling
terrible she could not get out of bed some times, She told me prior to our conversation she tried
tocommit suicide on three different occasions, but each time something saved her.
I told her “It was just not her time yet”
I am an expert on that subject. I told her “The Boys are in a wonderful place and their job was to
help youdown the path that you chose”. They cannot feel your misery or desperation because
they are in placethat is full of love and bliss . If you were up there you could NOT feel
some ones desperation!! I told herwhat to do.
That evening when she was lying in bed I told her to tell the “Boys what she needed and repeat
it 10 timesso they get the message. I also said to tell them, “Mike Shapiro Said”
So she did it and the next morning she felt great. Back to normal and in fact she went to the Gym
andworked out.When she called to tell me, I got a message, “Her name is not “Angela”, it was
“An Angel”.
Then she told me that her mother named her “Jennifer” but when she saw her face she changed
her nameto Angela ! ! !
I then realized that the “Boys” set me up again, becauseA couple of days later I came across
her name onmy list of 1,000 Underwriter looking for a job. On the List she was the ONLY
one that had 2 emailaddresses. I would HAVE HAD to call eventually to find out which one was
the correct one. They do thisto me every day.
Howards Story
Howard’s Story
I had to talk to one of the Underwriters a few times, her name was “Nancy Roll” one day Nancy was not
home and her husband Howard. By chance we started talking, (Ha, Ha,) and He started to tell me his
physical problem. Then I knew it was another set up! I started my speech and after the speech was over,
Itold him my problem.
I told him that I go the Psychologist ever month to tell him my problems. He told me “I go to one too and
you did more for me in one hour than 20 visits to mine.
MyBus Adventure
My Bus Adventure
Every time I go out of the house I have an adventure.
just today I was standing on a Bus stop and the Bus was not coming so I said something to the man
standing next to me. Then he said “Do You Believe In God”? I just looked at him. He said it out of the
blue. The Boys put the thought in his head so I would give him a short speech. Guess what. He was
studding to be a pastor and I shocked him with what I said and gave him a whole new persecutes of
whathe was doing to do. Just one more person that the boys send my way.
Another Bus Adventure
Another Bus Adventure
One day I took the bus to see one of my clients and I was on the Ashland Avenue Bus and I kept getting a
message in my head, I knew it was NOT my thinking because it was too stupid. It said “Go up and give
theBus Driver the speech ? I replied ” No I am not going to stand up in the front of the Bus and give the
I must have heard it 10 times and each time I said “NO”
Some people get messages and think that they are their thoughts, but how can I argue with myself for 20
So then guess what happened? The bus was going over a long bridge that was elevated over a commercial
area. On the bridge there was a young man walking across it.
The Bus Driver stopped and told him to get on for Free. So I could not say NO to this.
I got up and said to her “that was very, very nice of you”.
And while I up standing in the front of the bus, (They tricked me again and I knew it), I started to give
herthe speech. I was up front for 20 minutes giving her the lecture and the end, of course I asked the
samequestion, Did you need to hear that, and of course she said “yes thank you” and then I got off the
Still Another Bus Adventure
Still Another Bus Adventure
One day I left the house early and it was rush hour. The first Bus I take is the Belmont Avenue Bus. I
haveto take it about 5 miles and that takes a while in rush hour traffic, maybe as much as one hour.
When Iam on the bus there is a handicapped area. It looks like below diagram:
Front of the Passenger Seat 2 Passenger
The Center Aile of the bus
Front of the Me Seat 2 Passanger
(The seats in this area are parallel)
So it was rush hour and I was sitting in the first seat. The bus was full, you could not get another
passenger on the bus, but nobody sat next to me in seat 2 for 5 miles. WHY NOT? Well it was another
I then transferred the next bus. This time seat 2 was open on both sides. I had to go another 5 miles in
rush hour traffic on this one. The bus was almost full again but nobody sat in either seat for a while.
Thena minority lady got on and choose to sit next to me in seat 2. Why didn’t she sit on the other side?
Front of the Passenger Seat 2 Passenger
The Center Aile of the bus
Front of the Me Seat 2 Passanger
Well that was my message, so I gave her the “speech”.
Then I asked her the same question I ask every one after I give them the speech and you already know
what the answer was. “Yes” of coarse ! ! ! !
Another One
This time it was just a lady sitting next to me. We startedto talk and I started giving her the speech. I
asked her the question and you know the answer. But her next statement was the heavy part. She said
she was running an hour late, she just could notget out of the house, a variety of things justhappened
todelay her until she was supposed to leave to meet me.
My Clinic Adventure
My Clinic Adventure
One day I went to my PCC Clinic and while I was waiting a lady sat down next to me. She was using one
crutch. So we had something in common and of course we started to talk to each other. And I gave the
school speech about the Soul coming down here to go to school, etc. She told me she did need to hear it
Then she told me the heavy part.
She said ” I usually sit on the other side of the room so she can see the door and who comes in. But
todayI thought I should sit on this side of the room because It would be closer to the check in desk”.
The “Boys” told her to sit next to me ! They did it again
It even happens to me on the telephone. One time the Comcast installation Tech. Came a day early and
wedid’ know that he came because we were out. So I called to reschedule the appointment. I was on the
phone for ONE hour and talked three different departments and then I was disconnect.
I was really pissed, so I called them back one more time.This time a nice lady answered the phone in 4
rings. She said sure I can reschedule the appointment. Then she said ” I see what they did and I
Then I knew it, it was another set up so I gave her the speech, but this one was a quick one because I
knew that she had to go back to work. Of course I asked her the same question. Her answer was ” Yes
very much, but I can’t tell you on the phone because this call is being recorded, but thank you.”
My Old Radio Show
My Radio Old Show
On some of my bus adventures a few people said why don’t you go back on the radio. Linda, was my co-
host on the radio show “God Stories” and I have been talking to her about doing another radio show ,
butI needed a copy of a show to present to a radio station. Where was I going to get a copy off a show.
Lindadidn’t have one, I could not find one and the shows on the web site were not working. Even “Jim”
in theletter thought I should go back on the radio.
So What Was I To Do?
So what was I to do ?
So one day I took my Lap Top Computer to a Real Estate Office , but we could not connect it to the
internet, so I took it back home. I tried re-connected it to my internet and it didn’t work on my computer
either, so:
I lost my ability to print anything.
I lost my ability to scan documents
I lost my internet connection so I could not
access the internet.
What that meant was that I could not access my mortgage software and could not take mortgage loan
applications and save them, print them, fax them or e-mail the out. Then one night my son, (the
computerprogrammer) came over and he could not fix it either. He later told me to try and connect
it directly tothe internet modem with a telephone cable. OK, Now I had to find the correct cable or I
was in bigtrouble.
I had a small old box under my bed and then I had a thought or was it a message, “look in the box”. It
was hard because I can’ bend down since I had my accident, but I as able to do it. What did I find ? So I
did and there was a cable, but it was not the right one.
Then I saw it ! Oh My God there was a CD Rom disk and in the window of the disk there was a picture of
my Angels. The same Angels that on the cover of this book. It said 9/19 Show ! I found it, or did the
“Boys” shut down my Lap Top Computer so I would be looking for that cable?
Another Interesting Day
Another Interesting Day
One day I got a Message, call “Rick” well I thought tomyself who is Rick? Since my accident I lost a lot
ofmy memory. The I remembered, He was my sisters boss when she lived in Wisconsin, and we got to
begood friends. I did not talk to him in years, probably 10, but my sister kept in touch with him. I went
tothe internet and looked up his phone number and I called him.
Rick is not quite a believer in this whole concept and when we started talking I asked him “Why was I
supposed to call you”?
So I tried to figure it out, and he told me. ” I was thinking about your sister YESTERDAY and how she is
doing in her fight against cancer and that I had lost her phone number and how could I find you to get
her number.
I called him the next day? I guess the “Boys” did tell me to call him. The number on my directory and
called “Reg”. by mistake. I haven’t talked to him in probably three years.
OK I made another mistake, but why? We talked and talked and then he told me he was selling “Legal
Services” for $17.00 a month. I remember that I tried that about 10 years ago and never did anything
with it. He talked me, so that night I called “Francisco” the Realtor.
I thought this would be perfect for Realtors to sell it to their clients for a few months for $17.00 a month
and use them for their closing. It would then cost the $34.00 instead of $400.00 and cancel it if they
wanted to.
Later in the afternoon I had a thought to call “Ross” about a deal that we were trying to do, but instead I
hit the above his
Now this is the heavy part !
He told me that he was thinking about selling Legal Services and putting a sign on his window ! ! !What
are the odds of this happening, how about “0” He then said to me ” YOUR STARTING TO SCARE ME”
They did it to me twice in one day ! ! ! !
It Just Doesn't Stop
It Just Doesn’t Stop
I haven’t added any stories to this book for the last 3 months, but I have to start again. Every day I have
atleast one Adventure. The ‘Boy’s” have been putting people in my life so I can give them my speech.
I wentto my doctor I said that I was very depressed lately so my doctor at the PCC Clink thought that I
should see their physiatrist, so she set up an appointment for me.
Well I went to see Jill, and of course I told her some of the stories that are in this book. After my session
was over she said that I did NOT have to come back, “I said I would like to”.
My Metra Adventure
My Metra Adventure
I take the Metra commuter train a lot, and one day I was in hurry to get off and I left my pass on the
train. I was very mad and the next day about 9:00 I called Brenda at the Lost and Found, but she did
not haveit and I could not Identify myself. anyway so I got mad and hung up on her.
I had a thought or got a message “call her back”, so I did And in the elapsed hour she had acquired my
pass. I then described how I looked and an estimated ID number. I was only ! number off and my
description matched my picture on the ID so I went down town to pick it up .
When I got there we started talking and I gave my speech and then asked her ” Did you need to hear
And of course she said “Yes”, and then she told me that she was in the past a Loan Officer and a real
estate agent. I asked if I got another mortgage company would she come to work for me, she said “Yes”,
I Give Up
I Give Up
Throughout this book I have been fighting with the “Boys”. I must have told them to “Get off Your Ass
and Do Your Job Or I will come Up There And Do It For You” a thousand times after I have seen the
poverty,the devastation, the unfortunates and the greed and evil of this world.
Well my sister gave another lecture about what it’s all about. The concept is like the TV series “Star
Track”Their mission was to “Observe” and not interfere with our society. Like we have free will and
cando our thing or do something else. So we beam down here to do what we can to help secretly.
We cannot save the world, Just help who we can.
So I guess:
God must be “Captain Kurk”.(The Captain of the Star ship “Enterprise”
The Angels are “The Crew”(That runs the Ship)
My Sister is “Bones”(The Doctor)
And maybe I am “Spock”(One of his adventurers)
So What’s Next?
Will I open Alcolean Gas Stations?
Will I get the 500,000 to start the Banking Company?
Will I go back to the Mortgage Business and the start the
REMAX Concept in the mortgage industry?
Will I replace all the Processors in the mortgage industry with Underwriters?
If you are reading this I obviously finished the book up to date.
The Earth School Life-1005
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After The Accident
I sat around the house until January of 2013 and then things
I created his business cards.
I created his marketing flyers.
I redid all his excel forms and taught him how tomerge the data
between them and how to use mail merge.
I created, or the “Boys” did a new marketingconcept for him. We had
over 1,000 Under-writerslooking for jobs. But we could not get enough
jobsfor all of them, so I got an idea, or The “Boys”gaveme one.
One day by chance I talked to one our Underwriters that was looking for a job. I knew I was supposed
to give her my speech, but I did not know why. So I started and then she told me that she was feeling
terrible she could not get out of bed some times, She told me prior to our conversation she tried
tocommit suicide on three different occasions, but each time something saved her.
I told her “It was just not her time yet”
I am an expert on that subject. I told her “The Boys are in a wonderful place and their job was to
help youdown the path that you chose”. They cannot feel your misery or desperation because
they are in placethat is full of love and bliss . If you were up there you could NOT feel
some ones desperation!! I told herwhat to do.
That evening when she was lying in bed I told her to tell the “Boys what she needed and repeat
it 10 timesso they get the message. I also said to tell them, “Mike Shapiro Said”
So she did it and the next morning she felt great. Back to normal and in fact she went to the Gym
andworked out.When she called to tell me, I got a message, “Her name is not “Angela”, it was
“An Angel”.
Then she told me that her mother named her “Jennifer” but when she saw her face she changed
her nameto Angela ! ! !
I then realized that the “Boys” set me up again, becauseA couple of days later I came across
her name onmy list of 1,000 Underwriter looking for a job. On the List she was the ONLY
one that had 2 emailaddresses. I would HAVE HAD to call eventually to find out which one was
the correct one. They do thisto me every day.
Howards Story
Howard’s Story
I had to talk to one of the Underwriters a few times, her name was “Nancy Roll” one day Nancy was not
home and her husband Howard. By chance we started talking, (Ha, Ha,) and He started to tell me his
physical problem. Then I knew it was another set up! I started my speech and after the speech was over,
Itold him my problem.
I told him that I go the Psychologist ever month to tell him my problems. He told me “I go to one too and
you did more for me in one hour than 20 visits to mine.
MyBus Adventure
My Bus Adventure
Every time I go out of the house I have an adventure.
just today I was standing on a Bus stop and the Bus was not coming so I said something to the man
standing next to me. Then he said “Do You Believe In God”? I just looked at him. He said it out of the
blue. The Boys put the thought in his head so I would give him a short speech. Guess what. He was
studding to be a pastor and I shocked him with what I said and gave him a whole new persecutes of
whathe was doing to do. Just one more person that the boys send my way.
Another Bus Adventure
Another Bus Adventure
One day I took the bus to see one of my clients and I was on the Ashland Avenue Bus and I kept getting a
message in my head, I knew it was NOT my thinking because it was too stupid. It said “Go up and give
theBus Driver the speech ? I replied ” No I am not going to stand up in the front of the Bus and give the
I must have heard it 10 times and each time I said “NO”
Some people get messages and think that they are their thoughts, but how can I argue with myself for 20
So then guess what happened? The bus was going over a long bridge that was elevated over a commercial
area. On the bridge there was a young man walking across it.
The Bus Driver stopped and told him to get on for Free. So I could not say NO to this.
I got up and said to her “that was very, very nice of you”.
And while I up standing in the front of the bus, (They tricked me again and I knew it), I started to give
herthe speech. I was up front for 20 minutes giving her the lecture and the end, of course I asked the
samequestion, Did you need to hear that, and of course she said “yes thank you” and then I got off the
Still Another Bus Adventure
Still Another Bus Adventure
One day I left the house early and it was rush hour. The first Bus I take is the Belmont Avenue Bus. I
haveto take it about 5 miles and that takes a while in rush hour traffic, maybe as much as one hour.
When Iam on the bus there is a handicapped area. It looks like below diagram:
Front of the Passenger Seat 2 Passenger
The Center Aile of the bus
Front of the Me Seat 2 Passanger
(The seats in this area are parallel)
So it was rush hour and I was sitting in the first seat. The bus was full, you could not get another
passenger on the bus, but nobody sat next to me in seat 2 for 5 miles. WHY NOT? Well it was another
I then transferred the next bus. This time seat 2 was open on both sides. I had to go another 5 miles in
rush hour traffic on this one. The bus was almost full again but nobody sat in either seat for a while.
Thena minority lady got on and choose to sit next to me in seat 2. Why didn’t she sit on the other side?
Front of the Passenger Seat 2 Passenger
The Center Aile of the bus
Front of the Me Seat 2 Passanger
Well that was my message, so I gave her the “speech”.
Then I asked her the same question I ask every one after I give them the speech and you already know
what the answer was. “Yes” of coarse ! ! ! !
Another One
This time it was just a lady sitting next to me. We startedto talk and I started giving her the speech. I
asked her the question and you know the answer. But her next statement was the heavy part. She said
she was running an hour late, she just could notget out of the house, a variety of things justhappened
todelay her until she was supposed to leave to meet me.
My Clinic Adventure
My Clinic Adventure
One day I went to my PCC Clinic and while I was waiting a lady sat down next to me. She was using one
crutch. So we had something in common and of course we started to talk to each other. And I gave the
school speech about the Soul coming down here to go to school, etc. She told me she did need to hear it
Then she told me the heavy part.
She said ” I usually sit on the other side of the room so she can see the door and who comes in. But
todayI thought I should sit on this side of the room because It would be closer to the check in desk”.
The “Boys” told her to sit next to me ! They did it again
It even happens to me on the telephone. One time the Comcast installation Tech. Came a day early and
wedid’ know that he came because we were out. So I called to reschedule the appointment. I was on the
phone for ONE hour and talked three different departments and then I was disconnect.
I was really pissed, so I called them back one more time.This time a nice lady answered the phone in 4
rings. She said sure I can reschedule the appointment. Then she said ” I see what they did and I
Then I knew it, it was another set up so I gave her the speech, but this one was a quick one because I
knew that she had to go back to work. Of course I asked her the same question. Her answer was ” Yes
very much, but I can’t tell you on the phone because this call is being recorded, but thank you.”
My Old Radio Show
My Radio Old Show
On some of my bus adventures a few people said why don’t you go back on the radio. Linda, was my co-
host on the radio show “God Stories” and I have been talking to her about doing another radio show ,
butI needed a copy of a show to present to a radio station. Where was I going to get a copy off a show.
Lindadidn’t have one, I could not find one and the shows on the web site were not working. Even “Jim”
in theletter thought I should go back on the radio.
So What Was I To Do?
So what was I to do ?
So one day I took my Lap Top Computer to a Real Estate Office , but we could not connect it to the
internet, so I took it back home. I tried re-connected it to my internet and it didn’t work on my computer
either, so:
I lost my ability to print anything.
I lost my ability to scan documents
I lost my internet connection so I could not
access the internet.
What that meant was that I could not access my mortgage software and could not take mortgage loan
applications and save them, print them, fax them or e-mail the out. Then one night my son, (the
computerprogrammer) came over and he could not fix it either. He later told me to try and connect
it directly tothe internet modem with a telephone cable. OK, Now I had to find the correct cable or I
was in bigtrouble.
I had a small old box under my bed and then I had a thought or was it a message, “look in the box”. It
was hard because I can’ bend down since I had my accident, but I as able to do it. What did I find ? So I
did and there was a cable, but it was not the right one.
Then I saw it ! Oh My God there was a CD Rom disk and in the window of the disk there was a picture of
my Angels. The same Angels that on the cover of this book. It said 9/19 Show ! I found it, or did the
“Boys” shut down my Lap Top Computer so I would be looking for that cable?
Another Interesting Day
Another Interesting Day
One day I got a Message, call “Rick” well I thought tomyself who is Rick? Since my accident I lost a lot
ofmy memory. The I remembered, He was my sisters boss when she lived in Wisconsin, and we got to
begood friends. I did not talk to him in years, probably 10, but my sister kept in touch with him. I went
tothe internet and looked up his phone number and I called him.
Rick is not quite a believer in this whole concept and when we started talking I asked him “Why was I
supposed to call you”?
So I tried to figure it out, and he told me. ” I was thinking about your sister YESTERDAY and how she is
doing in her fight against cancer and that I had lost her phone number and how could I find you to get
her number.
I called him the next day? I guess the “Boys” did tell me to call him. The number on my directory and
called “Reg”. by mistake. I haven’t talked to him in probably three years.
OK I made another mistake, but why? We talked and talked and then he told me he was selling “Legal
Services” for $17.00 a month. I remember that I tried that about 10 years ago and never did anything
with it. He talked me, so that night I called “Francisco” the Realtor.
I thought this would be perfect for Realtors to sell it to their clients for a few months for $17.00 a month
and use them for their closing. It would then cost the $34.00 instead of $400.00 and cancel it if they
wanted to.
Later in the afternoon I had a thought to call “Ross” about a deal that we were trying to do, but instead I
hit the above his
Now this is the heavy part !
He told me that he was thinking about selling Legal Services and putting a sign on his window ! ! !What
are the odds of this happening, how about “0” He then said to me ” YOUR STARTING TO SCARE ME”
They did it to me twice in one day ! ! ! !
It Just Doesn't Stop
It Just Doesn’t Stop
I haven’t added any stories to this book for the last 3 months, but I have to start again. Every day I have
atleast one Adventure. The ‘Boy’s” have been putting people in my life so I can give them my speech.
I wentto my doctor I said that I was very depressed lately so my doctor at the PCC Clink thought that I
should see their physiatrist, so she set up an appointment for me.
Well I went to see Jill, and of course I told her some of the stories that are in this book. After my session
was over she said that I did NOT have to come back, “I said I would like to”.
My Metra Adventure
My Metra Adventure
I take the Metra commuter train a lot, and one day I was in hurry to get off and I left my pass on the
train. I was very mad and the next day about 9:00 I called Brenda at the Lost and Found, but she did
not haveit and I could not Identify myself. anyway so I got mad and hung up on her.
I had a thought or got a message “call her back”, so I did And in the elapsed hour she had acquired my
pass. I then described how I looked and an estimated ID number. I was only ! number off and my
description matched my picture on the ID so I went down town to pick it up .
When I got there we started talking and I gave my speech and then asked her ” Did you need to hear
And of course she said “Yes”, and then she told me that she was in the past a Loan Officer and a real
estate agent. I asked if I got another mortgage company would she come to work for me, she said “Yes”,
I Give Up
I Give Up
Throughout this book I have been fighting with the “Boys”. I must have told them to “Get off Your Ass
and Do Your Job Or I will come Up There And Do It For You” a thousand times after I have seen the
poverty,the devastation, the unfortunates and the greed and evil of this world.
Well my sister gave another lecture about what it’s all about. The concept is like the TV series “Star
Track”Their mission was to “Observe” and not interfere with our society. Like we have free will and
cando our thing or do something else. So we beam down here to do what we can to help secretly.
We cannot save the world, Just help who we can.
So I guess:
God must be “Captain Kurk”.(The Captain of the Star ship “Enterprise”
The Angels are “The Crew”(That runs the Ship)
My Sister is “Bones”(The Doctor)
And maybe I am “Spock”(One of his adventurers)
So What’s Next?
Will I open Alcolean Gas Stations?
Will I get the 500,000 to start the Banking Company?
Will I go back to the Mortgage Business and the start the
REMAX Concept in the mortgage industry?
Will I replace all the Processors in the mortgage industry with Underwriters?
If you are reading this I obviously finished the book up to date.