A white background with a black and white logo

Three angels are flying in a row and one is holding something.

Is It Chance OrDestiny?

Email: [email protected] Phone: 773-677-6460

The Earth School Life-1003

Earth School MenuClass 1001Class 1002Class 1003Class 1004Class 1005Class 1006Class 1007

I Went Back To Hide In A Cab

A drawing of the liberty bell in blue ink.

After everything that has happened to me to date, I started to question

Godand my mission. Maybe’question’ is the wrong word; I should say

‘protest’.So I went to Forest Park and tried to start my cab company,

“E Cab” .


My argument with God was, “If I am here on a mission for You, then

giveme the tools I need to completethe mission. Either give me what I

need, ortake me back home to Heaven. Things then started to

happen,just to show me that He was still therefor me.


  • The Round Trip

    The Round Trip

    One day, the dispatcher sent me on a radio call (which is how we get our customers). I picked up a

    womanfrom her home in Oak Park and took her to downtown Chicago. The fare from Oak Park to

    downtownChicago is $25.00. It’s not a bad fare, but we can’t pick up any fares in Chicago, so we have

    to comebackempty to Oak Park. So I dropped the woman off downtown, and at the same moment,

    anotherwomanjumps into my cab.

    I told her “I’m sorry, but I can’t take you because I’m an Oak Park cab.

    “I can’t pick up people in Chicago.” She replied “But I’m going to Oak Park.” I said “Okay, let’s go!”

    So I made another $25.00, for a total of $50.00 in one hour. That’s very good for a cab driver. The

    odds ofthat happening are a million to one.

    Conclusion: God wanted to reassure me that He is working with me.

  • Mrs Virgil Gave Me A Book

    Ms. Virgil Gave Me a Book

    At 6:00 every morning, Ms. Vergil calls a cab. She is very spiritual and prays to God whenever she

    needssomething. I started picking her up on a regular basis. One day, she got in my cab and gave me a


    I asked her “What’s this for?”

    She replied,” I was praying this morning and while I was in prayer, I got a message to give this book to

    Mike. I didn’t ask why, so I’m just giving it to you.”

    God wanted me to see a sample book after which I couldpattern my book. My book doesn’t have to

    have200pages; it could be simple and small just whatever it takes to get the point across.

  • Ms, Virgil Gave Me Book 2

    Ms. Virgil Gave Me Book #2

    One week later she got in my cab and gave me a book.I asked her, “Another one?”

    She replied,” I was praying this morning and while I was in prayer, I got a message to give this book to

    Mike, too.”

    I Got A Message About the Book. God wanted to make sure I got the message.

    About two months later, something strange happened to me. It was very early in the morning and I had

    worked all night. I got a radio call to take a lady to O’Hare airport.

    We started talking a little and I mentioned this book, and she said to me, “You’re the one!” “I’m the

    whatone?” I replied.

    Then she said,” I had a déjàvu memory that I was going to meet a man writing a book and I was telling

    himto finish the book. Is your book about God?”

    “Yes,” was my reply.

    Her daughter was with her, and confirmed the message her mother had received.

    God wanted to make sure again that I got the message. “Finish the F______ Book !!!”

    I guess he had to kick me in the ASS.

  • My Passenger Mr. Downey

    Mr. Downey

    The cab company dispatcher called me and said,” When you get to O’Hare, stay there and pick up Mr.

    Downey. He’s landing in half an hour.

    I replied “Okay,” and waited the half hour.

    Mr. Downey called the dispatcher back when he had his luggage, and I went down to pick him up.

    We were almost in Oak Park when he said “I forgot something at the airport, we have to go back.”

    “What did you forget?” I asked. He answered “My Car.”

    I replied “Your Car” ??

    He answered “I forgot I drove to the airport. You have to take me back to pick up my car.”

    My Guardian Angels got into Mr. Downey’s head and confused him.

    So I took him back to the airport and then gave him a break on the fare. They wanted me back at the

    airportto help my next passenger. If I wouldn’t have gone back with Mr. Downey, I might not have

    beenable topickup my next passenger because it was a busy night and we may have not had anybody

    to pickhim up.

    He later told me that it was very important that he got home on time. He said it meant his marriage!

  • Matt is A Mortgage Banker

    He Is A Mortgage Banker

    I have a regular passenger named Matt. He has a broken leg and can’t drive, so he’s called me a few

    timestopick him up.

    One day we were talking, and I asked him what he did for a living. He answered that he was a mortgage

    banker. Was Matt the replacement for my investor?

    We’ll see. Meanwhile, I made an appointment to go and see his partners.

  • He's Building An Ethanol Plant

    He Is Building An Ethanol Plant

    I had just about decided to start my own cab company, “E-Cabs” using only cabs that burn E85 fuel

    (85%ethanol), when I had a passenger to the airport. He was going to Nebraska where he was building

    a100,000,000 gallon per year ethanol plant.

    He liked my idea about the cabs and said that I should go ahead with it.

  • It Was A Very Slow Night

    It Was A Very Slow Night

    I did $120.00 with only three fares. Coincidence, or did God set it up for me? Was it to show me that

    eveninthe cab, He is with me, or was it just random luck? That’s what this book is all about!

  • A Changed Her Life

    I Changed Her Life

    I once drove a young lady from Lombard, Illinois to Cook County Hospital. It was a $50.00 fare, which

    means that we spent a quite a bit of time together. She was going to the hospital for cancer treatments.

    During our subsequent trips, we talked about the things that I wrote in my book. Two months passed

    beforeI saw her again. On that next trip, she told me that I changed her life.

    I changed her perspective of God. In the past she believed that He was there, but she never had a one-

    to-onerelationship with Him before. She never really understood that you just had to ask Him for the

    thingsyouneeded. She was always afraid to die and leave her children without their mother.

    Now she started trusting in God and asking for what she really needed, and it worked for her. In fact,

    shepassed the ultimate test. After her treatments were over, she was tested to see if there was any

    cancer leftinher system. Everybody around her was worried, but she wasn’t because of her new

    relationship withGod.She knew that He wouldn’t let her down, and He didn’t.

    The tests came back negative. The cancer was gone. She now has a new friend, God.

  • I got A $300.00 Fare

    I Got A $300.00 Fare

    Because I try to help everyone and do the best I can, one day the owner of blue cab had a fare to be

    pickedup in Salem Wisconsin, and was coming to Chicago it was a 65 mile fare. It was a bonus that he

    wantedmeto have.

    It was 150.00 and then I took him back home after his doctor’s appointment for another 150.00 for a

    daytotal of 300.00.

    God will provide.

  • I Wanted To Go Back Home

    I Wanted To Back Home.

    I was actually thinking about crashing my car into a concrete wall on the highway and dyeing. After

    thatthought my next fare was Bob.

    Bob was a regular passenger of mine and I even gave him a first draft of this book. After he read it he

    agreedwith everything in this book. After he called Blue Cab Company he had a vision that I was only

    fourblocksaway and I was coming to pick him up.

    He then got a message from the “BOYS” to give me a lecture and so he did.

    He told me to stop fighting God and give him a chance to get it done in his time not mine. I said OK

    then Iasked GOD to prove to me that I am still in the deal and ask him for; “A good day driving the

    cab.” As asign.I had an excellent day the BOYS were with me all day.

    I guess I am still on the job.

  • Another Good Day, I fought Off Evil

    Another Good Day. I Fought Off Evil

    Because of my negativity I was beginning to allow evil to enter my body, I could feel it slowly creeping

    in. Idid not like what I was feeling and who I was becoming so I decided to cast him out and go back to

    God, soIsaid “In the name of GOD leave my body” and it worked I actually felt the way I used to, so


    I have a regular, Jane and I take to down town Chicago from Oak Park and then back home, it’s a

    $50.00farebut this time I also took a package with me and while I was waiting for her to finish and

    take herhome Idelivered the package down town and got another 40.00 for a total of 90.00 for the

    trip. Then Istopped byour office and the package dispatcher who doesn’t like me gave me an envelope

    full of cabcoupons. It wasgoing to Ronald McDonald House for Mrs. Jones. .

    Mrs. Jones is my best regular customer; the coupons were for her to use and pay ME.

    How ironic showing me how GOD has a warped sense of humor.

    Then I started home, and became I was the only Blue cab on the North Side of Chicago, my office called

    meon my cell phone and asked me to pick up a package on the north side and take it to our south side

    airport,Midway, so I did. It was a Hugh crate and the only reason I was able to fit it in my trunk was

    thatI justhappened to clean it out just hours before, (Another message from the boys clean out your

    trunkwhile youare waiting.).

    I took it to the airport and waited for a fare. Our Dispatcher also dispatches for another cab company.

    Itjustso happened that a customer called from the airport to the other company we dispatch for but

    theyhad nocabs available at that moment or even close to the airport so he gave the fare to me. It was

    a 55.00fare.After I dropped the fare off I went home. GOD GAVE ME A VERY GOOD DAY. It was over

    200.00just onthose fares.

    He really does take care of his people!

  • IGave Ethel Some Money

    I Give Ethel Some Money

    Ethel is one of my regular customers; in fact she is my best customer. She gives me 75.00 per week for

    threecab rides. One day Ethel needed to borrow some money until pay-day, but she lives a long way

    from OakPark, almost 30 miles. I really didn’t want to go to her house and spend that much time and

    gas. So Godtookcare of it for me.

    Then Betty called me and gave me 38.00 to take her to downtown Chicago On the way downtown Ethel

    called me to pick her up. She only lives 10 miles from downtown Chicago, but It was ten miles out on

    theway, but it was better than thirty miles out of the way. so I said OK.

    Just to make sure I would do it, I got another fare, but this one was actually going closer to her house,

    andnow Ethel was only 6 miles out of the way. There are NO odds on getting two fares back to back

    that farawayfrom Oak Park.

    Later that afternoon I had to go back downtown and pick up the first lady and take her home to Oak


    I had to take care of another believer!

  • They Were Good To Me This Morning

    They Were Good To Me This Morning

    Business has been a little slow but my boys have been taking care of me. This morning it was very slow.

    Ionly had one 15.00 fare so I got desperate and took a fare in Riverside Illinois, some ware I never go

    becauseall the streets are curved.

    Or they run on angles. When I started to dive 53 years ago I used to go to Riverside just to get lost! I

    couldnot find the right street and I was worried that I would be late for a 9:00 o’clock fare going to the

    airport so Iasked the dispatcher to get another cab for the Riverside fare.

    I gave up a 25.00 fare on a slow morning just to make sure I got to the fare on time. The Boys helped

    mewith my next fare, it was Rebecca another one of my regulars.She wanted to go to the same area as

    my 9:00pick up. The BOYS wanted to make sure that I got there on time. The fare was only 11.00 but

    she gave me25.00, but why ? ? ?

    Rebecca said that once in the past I took her home for free, and she did not have the money to tip me a

    fewtimes on other trips. So she gave me the 25.00. Her 25.00 replaced the 25.00 that I just gave up.

    You don’t have to worry about the cost, If you do the right thing, it will all average out!

  • I Did The Dispatcher A Favor And Made $86,00

    I Did A Favor And Made $86.00

    One evening the dispatcher called me on my cell phone and asked me to do him a favor. He asked, “Can

    yougo to Midway airport and pick up a lady she has been waiting over two hours for a cab and she was

    crying. Ireplied “Sure why not”, so I did.

    When I got there standing next to her was another man who also called Blue Cab to go to Oak Park. She

    wasafraid that he was going to steal her cab and she was crying again. I talked the lady into sharing

    the cab withthe man and we all left for Oak Park together.

    Because the cab was so late Blue Cab paid me the 26.00 cab ride, but the lady also gave me a 20.00 tip

    andthe man gave me 40.00 for a total of 86.00 for the trip. That was excellent’

    Again the BOYS are with us and they will take care of their own!

  • She Left Her Keys In My Cab

    She Left Her Keys in My Cab

    One morning I got a radio call and I picked up Betty, She was going to down Chicago, It was a very

    goodfare, it was $37.00.

    Betty asked me “Could you pick her up later”? I replied yes, why not for $37.00. Many people say that

    theywill call you back, but they really never do. The BOYS wanted her to call me back this time so what

    did theydo?

    She just by chance left her keys in the back seat of the cab, yeah, sure. She had to call me back and

    have metake her home just to get her keys. She did, and she gave me another 37.00 for the trip back


    I took her again the next week for another 74.00 in one day.

    Again the BOYS are with us and they will take care of their own!

  • I Met Julio

    Met Juliano

    One morning I got a radio call and I picked up Juliano, he was a 20.00 fare going west of town so we

    had some time to talk.

    Where was he from? Brazil. Why was he here? To work at a bio- diesel engine plant for Caterpillar.

    He knew all about Ethanol, He was my man. Was he sent to me?

    The night before he was just talking to his wife and wondering what he was really doing in the United

    States?I told him he was sent here to help me.

  • My Doors Locked

    My Doors Locked

    I was driving the cab in Oak Park one day and all of a sudden my door locks quit and I could not open

    up mypassenger doors at all. That was very strange so I went to Blue Cabs garage to have them fix the

    door. I walkinto the garage and there was Ethel.

    She was looking for me and needed a ride home and there I was, right there when she needed me.

    Conclusion: Did GOD send me to her?

  • Mrs Virgil Got A Message To Call Me

    Mrs. Virgil Got a Message to Call Me

    Ms. Virgil is one of my regular customers, and one day she was shopping for some luggage for a

    pendingtripshe was going to take. There was too much to handle so she was forced to take a cab. A

    voice in herheadsaid to call me, so she did and where was I when she called?

    I was one block away and around the corner. I was there in one minute.

    Did GOD send me to her?

  • I Changed A Flat Tire

    I Changed a Flat Tire

    The computer sent me a request and asked if I would take a package in “Bloom.” I did not take it at

    firstand then called the dispatcher and asked him “Is it Bloomingdale or Bloomington” there was a

    100 miledifference between the two different places”. It was for Bloomington Illinois, 130 mile

    southwest ofChicago. That was a long way to go to pick up a bag of stool for University of Illinois Lab,

    but I went.

    I was just starting back when I passed a car on the side of the highway that looked like it was in trouble

    so Istopped. It turned out that the car had a flat tire. I have never in my life stopped on the highway to

    help a car in distress before. I have, given people a lift but never stopped to fix a car. This time I got a

    message tostop and help, so I did.

    It was a flat tire and she did not have a jack to jack up the car, that’s right no jack. I had to use my jack,

    myjack happened to be a pneumatic jack.

    It did not take me more than 10 minutes to change her tire, I even beet the police car that was

    dispatched tothe scène. Even the police car isn’t equipped with a pneumatic jack.

    So I just happened to stop with the perfect tools I needed to help. She later told me that she prayed to

    GODfor help, and who showed up me. Did GOD send me to her?

    I Just left The Doctors Office. The second I got in the cab my radio gaveme an order that was only

    threeblocks from where I was, in front of the doctor’s office. I was there in two minutes and the fare

    took me todown town Chicago for another 26.00.

  • Mickey's Linen

    Mickey’s, Linen

    On Friday the next day I stopped at Mickey’s, Linen, which is only 5 blocks from my house, at 3:15 in

    theafternoon and they had nothing to give me, so I went to Midway Airport and waited for an hour

    until I wasnext in line and then they called me. Mickey’s Linen had 6 deliveries for me! Where did they

    all come fromin the hour since I left? Mickey’s thinks that I caused it to get busy, like I fulfilled my own


    I needed the work. I took 4 of the 6 hours and I made 100.00 in 3 hours and I made it to the Airport in

    timeto pick up my 7:55 customer

  • I Went To Milwaukee Wisconsin

    I Went to Milwaukee Wisconsin.

    On Saturday I told Fred, the dispatcher, that he owed me an airport trip from Friday.

    Because I had to leave the airport without a fare to get the Mickey’s package deliveries. He replied ” I

    can’tdo that, If I did I could lose my job”. OK I lost. But later he did call me and gave me a package

    order toMilwaukee Wisconsin from O’Hara Airport for $144.00.

    I said “OK” and then asked the BOYS for a fare to the airport for gas money ! The very next fare I got

    did nottake me to the airport but it did take me half way there. It didn’t take the airport but it did take

    me half waythere. It took me to the north side of Chicago for $16.00, but that was good enough.

    On the way back from Milwaukee I had a thought “Stop at O’Hara on the way back”. I looked at the

    computer and saw at that moment there were no cabs at O’Hara, I started for O’Hara but I was at least

    45minutes away. Then I saw;

    • There was 1 cab there.

    • Then there were 2 cabs there.

    • Then there were 3 cabs there.

    • Then there were 4 cabs there.

    • Then there were 5 cabs there.

    I asked the BOYS “Please get me out of here in 30 minutes”. That would have been a miracle!

    After 20 minutes I looked at the computer and I was only the third cab in line and then it happened.

    The computer offered me a trip, but it was not from O’Hara it was from a close suburb near the

    airport,Melrose Park. THEY DID THEIR THING, They got me out of the Airport within 30 minutes, but

    I rejectedthe fare because I did not want to go chase it, I stayed at the airport and waited for a trip

    back to Oak Park,It took a total of 1 Hour and 20 Minutes still not too bad.

    You have to be very specific when you ask for something because you get exactly what you ask for!

  • I Took A Radio Call From An Employee

    I Took A Radio Call For An Employee

    I took a radio call on Monday Night just like any other radio order, but for some reason this one was

    different. Ethel called me to warn me that Chantal owed cab 106 some money and to make sure that

    shepaid me. Ethel has never called any cab driver and warned him about a fare, I was the first. I told

    her togive the call to another driver, and she did. Who got the call ?

    Of course cab # 106 did.

    • He get it by chance or was he supposed to

    • He got the money that she owed him

    • He got a good round trip fare and he got agood tip

    There is something called karmic justice!

  • I Me Andre

    I Met Andre

    The cab map is divided into zones and in each zone the cabs have to wait to get their turn. In some

    casesthere are as many as 14 cabs in a zone so you would have to wait until all the cabs in front of you

    get a turn.

    It was a very slow morning so I decided to go home early. I was driving through zone 110 on the way


    When I entered the zone I was the 4th cab.

    Within 30 seconds the computer beeped at me and gave me a fare to O’Hara, it was like a going home

    present since I live that way.

    I was only 4 blocks away from Andrea’s house and hewas in my cab in five minutes. On the way to the

    airport we started talking about alternative fuels. He knew about Brazils Alcohol Program from sugar

    cane,He knew about the U.S Alcohol Program from corn and He knew about the Australians Alcohol

    Programfrom Algae.

    NOBODY knew about the Australians program of making Alcohol from Algae including me! You would

    never guess what he was doing in life. That he is organizing an alternative fuel convention. He took my

    brochure that the “BOYS” told me to make and display up in my cab.

  • I Met Janice

    I Met Janice

    It was slow so I was in a different zone than I normally work. That zone has West Suburban Hospital in

    it. Itook a radio call to go to the local high school and pick up Janice. When I got there the computer

    said thatthey cancelled so I did not pick up any one. It was just a waste of time.

    Then I got the call again so I went back to the High School and she got in my car. We were taking a

    specialneeds student home and then I took Janice home. We talked about things.She believed in

    EVERYTHINGthat I did. There are a few other people out there that believe.

  • No More Packages

    No More Packages

    They did not get around to giving me my check so I told the dispatcher I would not deliver any more

    packages until I got paid until I get my check, I was so mad. I had to deliver two anyway. Then I had to

    take a nap I was so mad, that I passed out from High Blood Pressure.

    I was out for two hours and never slept like this before. I awoke and forgot everything, my anger was

    goneand I forgot being angry and the feeling.

  • I Did No Take Ethel Home

    I Did Not Take Ethel Home

    When I take her home on Friday it is a 35.00 Fare and I was counting on it because I take her home

    everyFriday. This week, she did not have the money so she took the train. I was very disappointed.

    The next fare I got was an African lady and she wanted to go out by O’Hara, but not to the airport. The

    farewas 23.85 not bad but here is the weird thing. She gave me a 10.00 tip, usually the African people

    DO NOTTIP ! The total was 33.85 almost 35.00. The odds of that happening are “0”.The BOYS were

    showing me again that they are with me.

  • I Went To The Store For Scott

    I Went to The Store For Scott

    Scott, the dispatcher asked me to go to the store and get his bottle of liquor for him again. I said yes but

    Iwas very tired of always saying yes and helping people all the time.

    The next fare I got took me ½ block away from the liquor store, that was weird but it got worse. I then

    wentto the liquor store and bought his bottle, got back in my cab and took another radio call.

    It was only ½ block away at Oak Park Hospital and the fare was going to within two blocks from our

    office.I took her home and then went the two blocks and dropped off the bottle for Scott.

    Even Scott thought that it was very weird !

    The BOYS were showing me that they are there and will help me help the other people!

  • She Prayed To God For A Cab

    She Prayed to God For A Cab

    I was on my to my regular cab stand when I had a thought to keep driving and maybe pick up some one

    onthe Roosevelt Avenue, a busy street.

    I drove down the street and sure enough a lady held up her hand and flagged me down.

    She said, “I prayed to God for a cab to come by. Did he send me or was it just luck?

  • I Delivered More Packages

    I Delivered More Packages

    I delivered More Packages, another 200.00 for the elections for Cook County. GOD is Telling me, “Shut

    upand let ithappen “.

  • I Delivered Even More Packages

    I Delivered Even More Packages

    I delivered packages all day in spite of the fact that I do not want to. I made270.00 in one day, not bad.

    GOD is showing me that I am supposed to in spite ofwhat I want.

  • I Turned Down A $70.00 Package

    I Turned Down a 70.00 Package

    Scott, the dispatcher called me on my cell phone and offered me a $70.00 package order. It was in a

    farsouth west suburb of Chicago. I turned him down. I turned him down because I would have to use

    too muchgas to go there empty, I did not think it would be worth my time.

    Ten minutes he called me back and told me he had a trip from Midway Airport going out there. I said

    thistime I would take them.

    I picked up a 49.00 trip out to Orland Park I picked up another package going to the University of

    Illinoisin downtown Chicago.

    While I was in Orland Park I got a radio call and I picked up a lady going to Lockport, Illinois.

    That was thirty miles out of our area, but I was there to pick her up.

    On the way back the computer wanted me to go to Midway airport, but I was just too far away to take

    theorders but I decided to go to Midway Airport on the way home and wait for the next order.

    I finally got there. Within ten minutes the computer gave me a fare back to Oak Park. It was the perfect

    tripand I made 150.00 for the round trip.

    Conclusion: You have to learn how to say NO.

  • I Am Angry With God

    I Am Angry With GOD Again

    I have been very angry with GOD so GOD finally gave me a message via my dream. I dreamt that I had

    apackage delivery home and made a lot of money. It was an easy straight line home and I knew the

    way.What did that all mean;

    • Home is not my house, it is where we come from, in the dream the picture was of my first home.

    • It was an easy trip. The rest of my life would be simple and very clear, there would not be a lot more surprises

    • They paid me a lot of money in my dream for the trip. I would not have to worry about money on the trip I would be OK.

    It was simple and it told me what I wanted to hear, I wanted to see my path and I did.

  • I Had A Good Morning

    I Had A Good Morning

    I had an early trip to O’Hara Airport today. I was back and waiting at my post when a message came

    acrossmy screen I need a package picked up at O’Hara.I thought to myself, “If you want me to go to

    O’Hara giveme a fare there.” Not 15 seconds later the computer gave me a fare to O’Hara.

    I thought to myself, “If you want me to go to O’Hara give me a fare there.” Not 15 seconds later the

    computer gave me a fare to O’Hara. At O’Hara Airport I got another package to pick up.

    So a slow morning turned into a good morning, returning me 110.00 in three hours. With 2 airport

    tripsand two packages.Total Trip was 115.00, from a thought.

  • I Started To Doubt

    I Started to Doubt

    While I was driving the cab I started to get angry with my situation and start to question God again, so

    Hehad to show me that he was still there with me.

    I started to chant, ” Take Me Back or Take Me Forward” over and over again. I was very tired and

    depressedbecause I felt like I wasn’t accomplishing anything here but yet I really did not want to

    accomplishanything because I felt like this place was so evil they did not deserve any good at all, but I

    still did what Iwas supposed to. I tried to quit but they would not take my resignation, and I would get

    a message, “WhoAm I To Judge Mankind”.

    I wanted more, I wanted physical proof of His decision. If I was to stay I wanted to be healed of My

    HighBlood Pressure or If I was going back use my High Blood Pressure to take me back. The doctor

    was veryconfused, he did not know why I was still walking around with my pressure as high as it

    always is.

  • My Cab Is My Horse

    The Cab is My Horse

    I was just typing the above, when I remember a thought I had,” I wanted my soul to go back in the past

    andbe a Knight of the Round Table” with my white horse and shiny armor, I then got the message “You

    Are”,meaning I did not have to go back in the past, I could be a “Knight ” today and do the same thing.

    Is the cab is my horse? Is GOD is using my blue cab to take me through the countryside and help

    people?I’m not delusional these things really happen to me!

  • They Sent Me To The Hospital

    They Sent Me To The Hospital

    One day I was delivering a package to the University of Illinois in down town Chicago and I got a

    message “Go to the Hospital “.

    Cook County Hospital was only two blocks away. I replied “NO”, but then I said thought maybe my

    bloodpressure was high that I should. I pulled over and took my pressure, And it was high 213 over

    166. It washigh enough that I could have had a stroke, so I went to the emergency room at the

    Hospital. I checked inand they took my blood pressure but it was 203 over 113 still very high but not

    213 over 166, I believe theboys manipulated the machine, but why?

    I soon found out. I got into the emergency room in less than one hour which is excellent for Cook

    CountyHospital, the busiest hospital in the United States. So I wad sitting on a bench and next to me

    there wasanother patient who was dying of cancer and had a feeding tube connected to him and it was

    blocked. Iguess I was supposed to give him the sermon about God so I started and he took it to heart

    and I believe ithelped him. So was I sent to give him a sermon? Absolutely Yes I was, and how do I

    know that, the proofwas that the man knew my NAME ! ! How did he know my name ?

    He heard it a month ago last time I was there he was also there and he remember my “NAME”, wow the

    boys really, really did send me there!

  • I Started To Drive Smart And Not Hard

    I Start Driving Smart And Not Hard

    I got another message “Start Driving The Cab Smart And Not Hard”. I started the next morning.

    An ex-passenger called me for a ride to Cook County her name was Mary and said that she had a lot of


    I decided to put other God Stories in my book. Then I got a fare to Midway airport and I got a message

    towait there for a fare. Usually I do not, I go back to Oak Park empty wasting my gas. So today I said

    OK and Iasked God for a fare and decided to see how good He was!

    I was there for an hour and one-half with nothing and was about to leave without anything when I got

    another message, “Give It To 11:00”, it was 10:40 AM. OK, I did and I waited. I still got nothing and at

    10:47I started my engine to drive away and then at 10:58 the computer did finally send me an order !

    God did itwith just 2 minutes to spare at 10:58 AM, impressive even for me.

  • I Met Another Mary

    I Met Another Mary

    I took a package delivery to the north side of Chicago, a suburb called Evanston. While I was up there

    dropping it off they needed another one picked up in another North Suburb called Niles so I

    volunteered togo get it when I finished the first one I went to get the Niles package.

    The package was going over 20 miles away to some remote industrial park in Bridgeview Illinois. It

    tookme over an hour to get there in heavy rush hour traffic, but I got there and dropped if off.

    As I was driving off the computer beeped at me and gave me another order. Where was the new order,

    twoblocks from where I dropped off the package. The odds were O that that could happen, but it did

    because Iwas supposed to be there. Why was I supposed to be there to pick up Mary. I went in to get

    Mary and whodid Mary work for, a printer. He was printing a book physically the same as my book. I

    called George for aprice. He gave me a price ½ of what I paid for the first book. They sent me to the

    printer !

  • I Took Her Home For Free

    I took her home for free!

    I took a lady home for free, because she had no money, and as a reward I drove by a man and got a

    10.00fare and he asked me to take him to the airport in the morning. I did and made another 30.00,

    so I made40.00 because I took a lady home for free.

  • My Client Was One Hour Late

    My Client was One Hour Late

    I made an appointment with Vincent to pick him up at Mars Candy in Chicago, where he worked and

    takehim to the airport. At 6:00 PM. At 6:05 he called me and told me he was on his way out, but he

    never got outuntil 7:00, one hour later, WHY?. I believe that the boys put something in his head to

    cause the hour delay!

    Why, because if he was on time I would have been the 9th cab at the airport and I would not have

    waited foranother fair. That hour delay put me at the airport an hour later and there were “0” cabs

    there, so he gaveme $45.00 for the delay and I got another $33.00 for the trip back. I got 88.00 for 1

    hour of driving it wasmy boys taking care of me again.

  • They Called Me At Home At 4:30 In The Morning

    They Called Me At Home at 4:30 AM

    I usually start working at 5:30 in the morning, but this morning it was different I was very worried that

    mycar would not start because it was so cold out. I woke up at 3:30 in the morning so I could start my


    I just finished warming up my car when I got a telephone call from Blue Cab., they wanted me to pick

    up apassenger on the north- west side of Chicago, near my house and take him to the airport. God

    wanted tomake sure I was up, that’s why I was worrying about my car starting, and they put the

    thought in my headto get me up early enough to get the trip to the airport.

  • I Asked My ARCH ANGEL For A Sign

    I Asked My ARCH ANGEL for a sign.

    I had an appointment today with Reginald Barrett about getting back into the mortgage business. I

    prayedto the ARCH ANGEL MICHAEL for a sign. I asked him for a taxi fare in that direction if they

    wanted meback in the mortgage business. The meeting was about 20 mile west of Oak Park, where I

    drive the cab, inthe suburb of “Lombard”. The odds of me getting a taxi fare in that direction was at

    least 100,000 to 1, but Iasked anyway. Well I DID NOT get one and I went to the meeting anyway.

  • While I Was In A Meeting I Got A Call From BLUE CAB

    While I was in the meeting I got a call from Blue Cab

    They got a request for a cab in the suburb of Lombard where I just happened to be!! They saw me on

    thecomputer in LOMBARD so they called me on my cell- phone to see if I could pick the man up.

    I said “Yes” and I went and picked him up. He just happened to be heading back in my direction.

    After I dropped him off I got a message. It said “We couldn’t get you a fare there because there was

    verylittle to work with but we got you one back.

    The dispatchers at Blue Cab were shocked. They could not ever recall getting a fare request from

    Lombard,IL. before.

    So I guess I got my sign. “Go back in the Mortgage Business”, so I am!

  • The Message, What Does It Mean

    The Message, What Does It Mean ?

    It was early one Saturday morning, I was driving the cab, and Fred was the dispatcher . He called me

    andasked me if I would go to Rochelle Illinois , it was a 140.00 package delivery. I said OK.

    I went and picked up two pump motors and started off for Illinois River Energy in Rochelle, Illinois. It

    tookabout two hours to get there, and when I did I found out what Illinois River Energy was ! It was a

    100,000,000 gallon per year Ethanol Production Facility. It was my dream to open an Ethanol

    productionfacility but I failed, but these bunch of farmers got together and did it !!!

    The maintenance man showed me around a little bit and I felt a little weird. He told me who I could

    contact if I wanted to do business with the company.

    Well just maybe God sent me there to get them to back my fuel stations. They would be the ultimate

    investor, selling the Ethanol to their own Gasoline Stations.

    So I got ready to make the call but I had to do a few things first;

    • I had to reserve the Corporate Name, “Alcoleene”.

    • I had to file the corporate papers with the state.

    • I had to register the trade mark with thestate of Illinois.

    I got all my paper work ready when I made the discovery.

    When I filed for my corporation in Illinois. My application was rejected. why, because in 1922 there

    was acorporation in Illinois named “Alcolene”. It was a fuel company selling Alcohol fuel for cars.

    In 30 years of playing with the idea of alcohol fuel it was the first time I saw that anyone had used my

    idea,let alone the same word.

    So the question is WHO HELL AM I ?

    • Am I the same soul that started Alcolene in 1922 and was put of business when “Probations” was passed ?

    • Did I fail and they sent me back to finish what I started?

    • Was I so upset with my losing the fuel war in 1922 that I came back for revenge?

    I then changed the name to: “Alcolean the Clean Fuel.

    (See my web site: www.alcolean.com)

  • My Reward For Buying Alcolean

    My Reward For Buying Alcolean

    The first thing this morning I went to the MinutemanGas Station to get my ALCOLEAN mix. Alcolean is

    amix of 50% Gas and 50% E85. As usual just after I mixed my Alcolean the “BOYS” gave me my

    reward. Itwas a trip right back to the Oak Park area. After that I parked in a zone I started to put my

    books together:

    • My first step is to put them in order

    • The second step is to punch the holes

    • The third step is to bind them

    My total cost was $3.05 when the UPS store did thewhole thing it cost me $8.00 per book.

    I knew that the “BOYS” would not give me a fare until I finished putting the Books together, and of

    coursethey did NOT. Once I finished the books I got three fares back to back for a total of $54.00, my


  • I Did Not Want To Go Back For Her

    I Did Not Want To Go Back For Her

    I picked up a fare in a suburb called “Cicero” Illinoisand took her to Down Town Chicago. It was a

    toughtrip because of the route and traffic conditions. She said she would call me later to pick her up,

    the farewas a $20.00 trip but it was not worth going back so I told the “BOYS” that I was not going

    back to pick herup.

    Later that morning the computer gave me a fare. I had to go to Midway airport and pick up a lady and

    takeher to down town Chicago. It was an illegal fare for me, because I am not a Chicago cab. I can’t go

    fromChicago to Chicago.

    As I was getting close to down town Chicago my cell phone rang, it was the first lady, she was ready to

    goback to Cicero. Since I was almost down town I said “sure” The “BOYS” sent me back down town

    with anillegal fare to pick her up, but why?

    On the way back to Cicero Illinois I asked her a few questions to find out why. I found out why, it was

    because her husband was into Alternative fuels, “Bio Diesel”

    I gave her my flyers on Alcolean to give to him.

    Will he ever call me?

  • I Got A $21.00 Tip As A Reward

    I Got A $21.00 Tip And My Reward

    My first fare this morning was a fare to Midway Airport, it was a $24.00 fare, but the strange thing was

    thathe called the office three times to place his order.

    The first two times he cancelled his order because things came up. On the third call he got me. I guess

    the“BOYS” wanted him in my cab, so I gave him my speech, about the Earth School and then a copy of

    mybook. I guess he needed to hear it because he gave me the fare of $24.00 and then a $21.00 tip for a

    total of$45.00.

    Then I went to get my “Alcolean” and just after I got the gas the “BOYS” gave me my reward, again it

    was atrip back to Oak Park.

  • I Got A $100.00 trip

    I Got A $100.00 Trip

    I picked up a lady from Cook County Jail in Maywood, Illinois. I was taking her to the train station so

    shecould get home. On the way to the train station, the “BOYS” changed her mind and she asked me if

    I couldtake her all the way home to a city called “Griffith Indiana” I replied sure for a $100.00. She

    said “OK” andoff we went it came to $92.00. When I got back the computer gave me a trip to O’Hara

    Airport and becauseit was Thursday I waited for a far back to Oak Park.

  • Another Reward For Buying Alcolean

    On Fridays I delivered the Chicago Tribunes to a few places. My first stop was on the South Side of

    Chicagoso like always, I went to buy my Alcolean fuel at the Minuteman Gas Station and as I was

    leaving the GasStation the computer beeped at me to give me my reward for using Alcolean. Again it

    was a $25.00 faregoing back my way!

    When I got back to Oak Park, I was the third cab in my zone, and the computer then beeped at me. It

    skipped the first two cabs and gave me the order. That was very weird.

    After I picked him up I checked the computer and saw that the first two cabs were still there. The

    “BOYS”took care of me again.

  • They Got Me There On Time

    They Got Me There On Time

    First thing in the morning I got a fare going to a suburb called “Park Ridge” it was about fifteen miles

    northof Oak Park.

    Just as I got there I got a call from one of my regulars. She wanted me to pick her up in 45 minutes. The

    problem was she lived 3531 South 61stCourt in a suburb called Berwyn.

    It was about 20 miles away. I asked the “BOYS” to help me get there on time. There were a lot of

    differentroutes to take and there was a lot of traffic. I got there in 44 minutes. The “BOYS” took me the

    right way.

  • I Needed Help To Get Down Town

    I Needed Help To Get Down Town

    I had to go to O’Hara Airport first thing in the morning and pick up a package and take it to down town

    Chicago. The problem was that when I got there, I had to wait one hour for them to unload the freight. I

    asked the “BOYS” for a trip to down town Chicago, so “I could kill two birds with one stone” but

    instead Igot a call from Diane and she asked me to take her to traffic court in Maywood, Illinois. On

    the way thereshe asked me if I could wait for her. I did and when she came out she said could you take

    me to work inDown Town Chicago.

    She did not know that that’s where I had to take the package.

    It was perfect she paid me to take my package down town. The “BOYS” arranged everything to shut me


  • I Went Down Town Again

    I Went Down Town Again

    I had to go to the airport again that morning and pick up another package and take it to down town

    Chicago. Then I had to pick up my Tribune newspapers and deliver them. But I went back to Oak Park

    to tryto get another fare to down town.

    Well I got a fare but she was only going to the train station and taking the train down town, the fare

    wasonly going to be $7.00. Since I was going down town anyway I might as well take her with me for


    Off we went, and on the way she thanked me and told me that she was worried that the train would be

    latetoday because of the heavy rains we had.

    Because I cared and made sure she got to work on time, the “BOYS” took care of me the rest of the day,

    andit was perfect.

  • You Have Too Ask For It

    You Have To Ask For It

    First thing in the morning I had to go to O’Hara andPick up another package and then go pick my

    “Chicago Tribune” News Papers, so I did a quick $80.00 in Packages. I needed it because I spent the

    nextfive hours with Michael, the owner of “Forest Park Auto” looking for a new location. I got back to

    work andmade only $20.00 by 5:00 PM.

    Then I sat for another 1½ hours without a fare. I gotVery, very mad at the “BOYS” and told them off

    “Isthis how you take care of me” ? I was really mad.

    Just one minute later I got a fare to a suburb called”Naperville”. It was a $51.00 fare, but again I had

    to askfor it !

  • They Gave Me Something Impossible

    They Me Gave Something Impossible

    I called the office and they only had one package to pick up at O’Hara, but when I got there I had to

    waitone hour because the flight was late. That ruined the whole morning so I went back to “Oak Park”

    and Iasked the “BOYS” for a trip to the airport so I could make a few dollars. When I got back I had to

    decidewhat zone I should sit in. There was only one cab in zone 207 and there was only one cab in zone


    I chose zone 170 and was only there for five minutes when the computer gave me a fare to O’Hara, but

    thefare was not in the zone 170, It was in 207 what happened to the first cab in 207 ?? It just

    disappeared !!! Itwas a nice $33.00 fare.

    Around 6:00, I went for some Alcolean gas and then I asked the “BOYS” for my reward. At first I did

    not getit so I stated driving north back to “Oak Park” I only got 8 blocks when the computer gave me a


    It was only eight blocks from the gas station. She was in my cab before and got a copy of my book. She

    saidthat she liked it. After I dropped her off I called the office and told them I was going home. As I

    hung up thephone the computer beeped at me and gave me a fare. They were going to the airport. The

    “BOYS” gave memy trip home.

  • They Sent Me To The Bank For A Fare

    They Sent Me To The Bank For A Fare

    It was a very good morning;

    At 5:00 AM I got a trip to Midway Airport for $27.00.

    On the way back from Midway Airport I got a trip to “Hillside” Illinois, a Western Suburb. It was a


    On the way back from “Hillside I stopped to get some Alcolean and then the “BOYS” gave me my

    rewardagain a $23.00 trip to down town Chicago.

    The next fare I got made me wait in front for her. When she came out her boyfriend was chasing her.

    Thefare was only $7.00 but she gave me $20.00 that was a $13.00 tip.

    It was a great morning but it died and the afternoon was terrible. The “BOYS” gave me a message , “Go

    tothe Bank and check your account”, so I went to the closest Chase Bank. The bank was in a different

    zoneand I was the third cab in the zone, but as I drove into the parking lot the computer beeped at me

    and gaveme a fare, but What happened to cab 1 and 2. The “BOYS” gave me a trip to O’Hara.

    I waited at O’Hara for a trip back. When I got there I was the 6th cab. The computer then pushed me

    back tothe 8th cab, why.

    The “BOYS” changed my position so I would get a certain person. My customer was going to a South

    WestSuburb called “Westchester” and just after I dropped him off I got a trip to down town Chicago.

    The twotrips were a $70.00 total. The “BOYS” arranged everything.

  • They Took Care of Me Again

    They Took Care Of Me Again

    I picked up my Tribune News Papers like I do every friday morning. My first stop was in down town

    Chicago and then my second stop was in a suburb 30 miles south in a suburb called “Tinley Park”.

    On the way back the “BOYS” arranged a $22.00 trip. He was a passenger in my cab yesterday. He lived at

    Central and 70th Avenue in Chicago and I took him to a suburb called “Cicero” to pick up his truck at Cicero

    Ave and 26th Street. My three hour total was $102.00, $34.00 an hour. That is very, very good.

    Then one of my regulars called me from 1510 Clarence Ave at 8:20 AM. After I dropped her off down town I

    got a fare right back. My 4 hour total was $137.00. The “BOYS” took care of me again.

  • I Took A Survey

    I Took A Survey

    It was a Saturday and I had my usual Saturday adventures. It is becoming a Regular Routine. I started

    questioning my mission as always. Then I had a thought or got a message, do a survey of my


    OK. I did a survey I asked them 3 questions:

    • Were they ever in my Cab before?

    I asked the next 18 Passengers and this was the result:

    • 14 of 18 knew or remembered me.

    • 8 of 18 Knew my name.

    • 9 of them Read my book.

    50% of Blue Cab riders read my Book and I have given over 300 away and the comments were:

    • It made me think !

    • It was Different !

    • It was Interesting !

    But the bottom line is it made people aware .

  • I Almost Had A Flat Tire

    I All Most Had A Flat Tire

    The “BOYS” told me to check my tires so I got out of the cab and saw that my front tire on the

    passenger sidewas almost flat. It was a fast leak!

    As I am standing out there a tow truck from METRO TOWING drove by me. I then flagged him down to

    change my tire quickly. AL KIRST the driver knew our dispatcher, Ruth.

  • I Got A Message To Pay My Lease

    I Got A Message Pay My Lease

    On Mondays we have to pay for the cab. Something told me to go NOW, so I went to our office. When I

    got tothe office, just when I was getting out of my cab, the computer beeped at me and gave me a fare.

    Where was the fare? In our office of course, very strange I was standing right there. The “BOYS” sent

    methere at the right moment to get the fare. Then I got a fare to the South Side of Chicago.

  • Another Message

    Another Message

    The “BOYS” gave me a message get some “Alcolean” I replied, “I do not need any I have ¾ of a tank.

    But I went any way.When I got to the station I got out of the cab to go to the bathroom.

    As I was getting back in the cab the computer beeped at me and gave me a $35.00 trip to O’Hara

    Airport.After I dropped off the customer at the airport at 9:00 AM.

  • My Regular Never Called Me

    My Regular Never Called Me

    After I dropped off the customer at the airport at 9:00 AM.I was worried that I wouldn’t get back to

    OakPark in time to pick up my regular rider at 1510 Clarence.

    I rushed back to Oak Park worrying and , and worrying that I would be late, but she never even called


    I guess the “BOYS” took care of it for me!!!!!!

  • I Got $65.00 For Buying Alcolean

    I Got $65.00 For Buying My Alcolean

    The same thing happened again today, I got a trip to Midway airport 5500 South then I went 2 miles west to

    get my Alcolean gas and while I was there I got a trip to O’Hare. The “BOYS” gave me a $65.00 to get my

    Alcolean gas.

  • I Wasted 2 1/2 Hours for Nothing

    I Wasted 2 1/5 Hours For Nothing

    I picked up an elderly lady and took her to the bank. She asked me to pick her up in 1 hour. I hung

    aroundthe area and did a few errands and killed 1 hour.

    I then went back to the Bank but she was not ready yet.

    I hung around 1 more hour and she still did not call me back, so I left her there. She finally called me

    after2.5 Hours in the Bank. I told her to call Blue Cab.

    Because I was trying to be nice and in was a complete waste of time. It was a terrible afternoon and I

    wasvery angry so I asked the “BOYS” for some help.

    I got my next fare in 2 minutes. I got my ride home, it was a trip to the Airport. He was one of my

    previouspassengers. He read my book and knew what I was all about. He even knew my name. The

    “BOYS”gave him a message to give to me, “Do not give up”.

  • I Won The Lotto

    I Won The Lotto

    My first fare of the morning took me south to Midway Airport, so as long as I was south I went to the

    Minuteman Gas station for some Alcolean and wondered if the “BOYS” would take care of me again.

    While I was in the station the computer beeped at me and gave me a trip to O’Hara. I did a quick

    $65.00. Ithen had a thought to play the Lotto, so I did. I won but only had four numbers. I won


    I was two numbers short of winning $55,000,000 andI never play the Lotto.

  • She Prayed And Used My Name ForReference

    She Prayed And Used MyName As A Reference

    I picked up one of my regulars at 1934 Kenilworth in Oak Park and she told me a nice story. One night

    shecould not sleep, she tried from 10:30 to 2:30 in the morning. She became desperate so she asked

    the”BOYS” to help her get to sleep and she used my name as a reference with them. Within 5 minutes

    she wasasleep!

  • My Lucky Book

    My Lucky Book

    I picked up Tyrone from 1619 South Harlem Ave. He knew my name and thanked me for giving him a

    copyof my book. The book opened his mind and made him aware.

    He was a gang banger and it changed him and helped keep him out of Jail.

    Then I picked up one of my regulars at 1401 Clarence Ave.

    Last time she was in my cab I promised her a copy of my book. Just by chance I had one copy with

    metodayto give her.

  • An Unbelievable Fare

    An Unbelievable Fare

    Jimmy called Blue Cab for a cab, so who got the order, me of course, but Jimmy was a regular rider in


    Jimmy could not stand cab 215 any longer so as he is walking out to my cab who showed up, you

    guessed itcab 215.

    He got in and we drove away. He was so happy with me that the “BOYS” told him to give me $50.00. It

    wasa $20.00 fare and a $30.00 tip, unbelievable!!!!!

  • I Almost Got Killed

    I Almost Got Killed

    I almost got killed today going to work. I was south bound on Austin Ave. doing 40 miles per hour when

    allof a sudden I heard squealing tires behind me The car behind me slammed on his brakes so he

    would nothit me. He was drunk and was probably doing 80 Miles Per Hour.

    I got mad at the “BOYS” again and told them, “I QUIT”. I then got a message from them. They are the

    onesthat got him to stop !!!!

    Then I told the “BOYS” If you want me back prove it to me, give me a sign. I had ½ tank of Alcolean,

    and gota message from the “BOYS” “Go fill up with Alcolean”, so off I went. I got out of the cab to

    pump my gas andstanding next to me was a man and his wife.

    What do you think he was doing at that exact moment. They were using his cell phone and calling

    “BlueCab” for a ride at the exact moment I drove up. That was my sign.

  • I Had To Pick Up A Truck

    Then the office called me to come in and get a truck because they had to pick up 5 boxes weighing 250

    pounds. I told them “NO” because I had to pick up one of my regulars.

    I got a message from the “BOYS”, ” take your car it will save you a lot of time”. I called the office back

    andtold them I would try to pick up the packages with my car. I went to the pickup point and I got all 5

    boxes inmy car, the “BOYS” were right again !!!!

    I worried and worried about picking up my regular, but I worried for nothing because she over slept

    and was running 1 hour late. Are the “BOYS” that good??

  • I Told Off The Boys Again

    I Told The Boys Off Again !

    I started off the morning with an $8.00 fare and sat and waited 2 hours for my next fare. So what do you

    think I did, of course, I told the “BOYS” off again. “Is this how you take care of me?” All of a sudden I

    got 5fares back to back totaling $140.00.

    Sometimes I do not think that the “BYS” are paying attention, and you have to ask them for what you

    want,Just like in the movie, “The Secret”

  • One Fair Gave me $160.00

    One Fare Gave Me $160.00

    I did my morning papers, then the office called me and gave me a package it was going to a place called

    Bourbonnais, it was a $100.00 trip. On the way back the computer gave me a fare in a place called

    Willow Brook. I was right there. It was John at 130 Hill Road. It was a 2 cab order. I got there so fast I

    had to wait45 minutes because he wasn’t ready yet. There were lots of people and lots of luggage. Then

    I drove them tothe airport and they gave me $33.00 fare and a $27.00 tip.

    I usually never wait at the airport for a fare back, but today was Friday and For some reason, or maybe

    itwas a message from the “BOYS” to stay. Ten minutes later after I dropped John off, he called me


    He said “I left his passports at home, could you pick me up, take them home and get them back in 1

    hour tomake their flight. Off we went, but it was Friday and traffic was very heavy. I used Every trick I

    could thinkof. I made it back in 61 minutes and he made his flight. He gave $100.00. Just from one

    passenger, John, Imade $160.00

  • I Am Getting A Reputation

    I Am Getting A Reputation

    It started off a very slow day, so I asked the “BOYS” for some help. Just after I asked I them I got a

    $30.00fare going to down town Chicago

    Jeff was in my cab before and he knew my speech.

    My next fare was at 7140 west 16th Ave. He was also in my cab. He even knew my name and he read my


    Then the office sent a message over the computer,

    Could someone jump one of the package vans in Desplains Illinois. They sent it a second time. I ignored

    thetwo messages.

    And then who did the office call in desperation, Me and asked me could I do it.

    I went to Desplains and jumped the van, it was 15 miles from where I was. After I jumped the Van I

    startedback to Oak Park, about 10 minutes into my way back, the computer gave me a trip going my

    way. It wasonly $16.00, but I guess it was the best my “BOYS” could do ! ! !

  • The Boys Made Me Go To Church

    The Boys Made Me Go To Church

    On Sundays for the past three weeks, the cab dispatcher has been giving me 3 retired ladies to pick up

    andtake them to mass at Saint Bernadine Church in Forest Park. I picked up the ladies and put one of

    theladies walker into my trunk. We got to Church and my trunk would not open up!! It has been

    sticking but italways opened before.

    I tried and I tried but it just would not open up. I could not give the lady her walker. She said ” It’s OK

    comeback in and hour and take us home, by then you will probably get the trunk open”.I thought that

    if I have tokill an hour I might as well go to church as well, since I have not been to Sunday Mass for

    more than twomonths.

    I called my dispatcher and told him that I was going to Church and would take the girls home after

    Church,he said OK.

    After services we went back to the cab and a strange thing happened, I tried the trunk one more time.

    ItOpened UP ! ! !

    I guess that God just thought it was time that I went back to Church and made me go!

    If I did not go maybe I would never open the trunk again! Funny thing the trunk works fine now.

  • They Told Me to Go Get Gas Again

    They Told Me To Go Get Gas Again

    I got another message, “Go get some gas”, I only needed $24.00. but after I left the gas station the

    computerbeeped at me to pick up a Mat Vogel.

    He was just one block away. The “BOYS” knew that and that was why they sent me for gas, he was only

    going to Maywood, but it took me back to my area.

    On the way back I drove by traffic court hoping I was there at the right time and sure enough a man

    flaggedme down, he was just getting out of court, He was heading back to Berwyn. The fare was


  • Another Strange Day

    Another Strange Day

    I had a very bad package so I turned it down, unless I got a fare to the airport, so I asked the Boys for

    oneand within 15 minutes I got one. I then picked up the Package & I got there 1 hour early and

    delivered it 3hours early so I had time to pick up my regular.

    Then it got very slow again and I asked for more help and I, and then a 2nd fare for a total of $80.00

    the bestI have ever done. Then the Office called me and told me that they had the money that they

    owed me $125.00that was very unusual.

  • I Did My Radio Show

    I Did My Radio Show Today

    First thing in the morning I did my radio show ” God Stories” on WJJG 15:30 on the AM Dial.After I did

    theshow I was sitting in zone 165 and my new cell phone rang and I got my first passenger from 708-

    E45-TAXI,that was the number I used for my commercials on my radio show.

    I then got a call from 1847 Marengo. He was also listening to my show and he got a message from the

    “BOYS” to give me:

    ” Relax it will happen”

  • I Officially Quit

    I Officially Quit

    I fought with the “BOYS” all day. I was just tired of waiting on stupid people so I officially quit. I called

    mysister and asked her for a message from my “BOYS” The message was:

    “The world is messed up because the people t messed it up We did not do it”.

  • They Sent Me A Helper

    They Sent Me A Helper

    I had to pick up 3 packages and deliver all of them to down town Chicago. I got the first two delivered

    withno problem, but I couldn’t deliver the third one It was too early. I t was only 7:30 so I pushed the

    Elevatorbutton to leave.

    The Elevator doors opened and as they opened a man walked out. There was only one office on the

    floor soI assumed that he did work there.Well he did and I delivered the package. The timing was

    perfect, only the“BOYS” could have timed it so well !

  • I Found My Money

    I Found My Money

    After I Then I had to go back to Oak Park and pick up one of my regulars, I worried and worried that I

    would not be back on time. On the way back to Oak Park my cell phone rang. It was my regular rider

    that Iwas worried about, and she told me not to come because her husband was driving her to work

    today! I wasworried for nothing. It was a lesson, never worry again just let things happen.

    Then I got ready to pick up customers, but I could not find my $142.00 from yesterday. I looked

    everywhereand it was no ware to be found !!! A few minutes later I got a message, “Check your lotto

    tickets” Why Inever win, but I went into 7-11 to check them.

    I opened my lotto folder to take out the tickets and there was my money. I did not win but at least I

    foundmy money. The “BOYS” really take good care of me!

  • I Drove 500 Miles And Made $469.00

    I Drove 500 Miles And Made $469.00

    It was a very slow day, I only did $30.00 all morning, everyone must be on vacation this week !

    I asked the “BOYS” for help over 20 times to make sure they got the message! Then the office called me

    andasked me if I could do a package? Sure I replied.

    The pickup was in a city called “Rockford”, Illinois and the delivery point was “Springfield”, Illinois. It

    was a 200 mile trip and a $469.00 dollar fare. I drove a total of 500 miles.

    The “BOYS” wanted to make sure I had a safe trip so somehow 2 flies got in my cab and they bothered

    meall the way there and back, they kept me awake and safe !

  • I'm Tired of Asking

    I’m Tired of Asking

    I started off the morning and picked up my Tribune papers and packages at 4:10 AM and made a quick

    $100.00 dollars, but the cab business was very slow again. I asked the “BOYS” again for help and I


    Do I have to ask you every day for help? I guess I do !!!

    I then got a fare going North West near O’Hara Airport.

    The office called me because I was up north and asked me If I could go to a suburb “Palatine” and pick

    up alady going to “Dundee” wait for her and then take her back home. It was a $110.00 cab order !!! It

    wasanother good day, but again I had to ASK !

  • Did I really Save Her Life

    Did I Really Save His Life ?

    Then it happened I saved some one’s life. As I was dropping off my next fare a young man got into my

    cab,he did not call he was just there. I gave him my speech and a copy of my book. Later that evening I

    got an e-mail on my phone from him, it said. “Thank you for saving my life, I was going to commit

    suicide tonightwhen I got home.

    Your speech changed my mind”.

  • I Had To Ask Again

    I Had To Ask Again

    The day started off very weird. I called the office at 2:00 AM and they said that there were no packages to

    pick up today, so I planned my morning and went back to bed. At 6:00 AM I picked up Vera. I was

    almost toher house when the office called me, they did have a package and now my whole morning

    was ruined. AfterI dropped off Vera I went to the Airport to pick up my package and then headed back

    to Oak Park. I askedthe “BOYS” for a trip down town, but at first I did not get one so I started to go

    down town. I was just twoblocks from the highway when the computer beeped at me and offered me a

    fare. The fare was only 4 blocksfrom where I was. I took it Where was the fare going? Down town of

    course. The “BOYS” came through forme again!!!

  • Perfect timing Again

    Perfect Timing Again

    The morning started off bad. There was a package to pick up for a 10:00 AM delivery. I picked it up at

    6:00AM. The destination was a retail car repair. The shop had a sign in the window ” Open at 8:30. It

    was only7:00 AM and I was too far from Oak Park to go there and then come back, I was screwed.

    As I turned around to go back to my cab a car pulled up and a man got out of the car with keys in his

    hand. He was the owner of the shop and came in early!!! I thanked the “BOYS” for helping me.

  • They Told Me To Get Some Alcolean

    They Told Me To Get Some Alcolean

    I got another fare south right by the gas station and I got the message get some Alcolean. I had ¾ of a

    tank, Ireally did not need any more. Well I stopped any way and as I was pumping the Alcolean the

    computerbeeped at me and gave me a $35.00 fare. The “BOYS” did it again for me.

  • I Woke Her Up ! Minute Before Her Alarm Went Off

    I woke Her Up, One Minute LaterHer Alarm Went Off

    The office called me and asked me to pick up an early morning package. The pickup point was in a

    westernsuburb of Chicago, it was called Carol Stream. The pickup time was 7:00 AM. I called them to

    see what timethey opened up. They were open all night but the pickup counter started at 6:00 so off I

    went. I thought Iwould get there about 5:00 and then take a nap until they started.

    On the way out there I got a fare for $20.00 it was going in the direction I needed to go. It took me ½ of

    theway I needed to go. As I was dropping the fare off in Elmhurst, Illinois I got a call from the


    They opened up early and I could pick up the package now. I picked it up at 5:30, that was an 1 1/2

    hoursearly. Then I started out to deliver it. I got there about 6:15 but the office was closed, it was too

    early to callthe person so I took the nap. At 6:50 I woke up and something told me to call her, so I did.

    I woke her up, but she said it was OK I could bring the package over now. So I did.The strange part of

    thestory is that she told me that her alarm was set for 6:50 and that just as she hung up the phone her

    alarmwent off.

  • Another Package Adventure

    Another Package Adventure

    The office called me to go to the airport and pick up a package, it was at O’Hare Airport and it was

    readynow, and so off I went.

    I picked it up and I got to Down Town Chicago at 8:10. Now the question was, “Was there any one

    there toreceive the package ?” It was going to the William Lee Co. in suite 1125. When I got to the 11th

    floor I did notsee the office. There was only one wall of doors and it said EMM Solutions so I turned

    around to leave andas I approached the elevator it opened.

    Then a man came out and asked me what was I looking for. He Worked in 1125 and also had the keys

    toopen up so he took the package and signed for it. It was perfect timing. What are the odds ?

  • The Boys Weren't Helping Her

    The “Boys” Weren’t Helping Her ?

    I picked up one my regulars today. Last time she was in my cab she told me that she was having a

    roughtime in life lately and said “The BOYS ARE NOT HELPING ME”.

    I said ” Are you asking them” She said “Not really”. Then I told her what to say !!!!

    The next time in my cab she told me a very strange story

    “When she got her pay check it was $200.00 less than usual so she would be short on her rent.She

    thentried to get a $200.00 loan but she did not get it so she asked the “BOYS” for help using my name


    Two days later she got a $200.00 check in the mail. That gave her a total of $927.00, her rent was

    $925.00,almost perfect.

    The “BOYS” came through for her. I then had 2 trips to down town “Chicago” for $64.00

  • I Got A Package Order By Mistake

    I Got A Package Order By Mistake So,I Could Pick Up Josh

    The computer BEEPED at me and gave a fare but it was a package order. It was north of where I was.

    Onthe way to pick up the package a young man flagged me down.

    I stopped and picked him up and “By Chance” he was going the way I was headed so took him as far as

    Icould for free.

    The strange thing is that it was JOSH. was the young man that talked to his father about me. He was

    meaning to call me and tell me that his Father is interested and would like to meet me when he gets

    backinto town next Monday.I wanted to spend some more time with him but I had to pick up my

    package.Wellwhen we got there, therewas another Blue Cab there. The office dispatched the order


    If they did not make that mistake I would not have driven by Josh and we would not have made the

    connection. That has never happened to me before.