A white background with a black and white logo

A drawing of the liberty bell in blue ink.


2501 S Trumbull Ave, Chicago, IL 60623Phone: 773-677-6460 Email:[email protected] NMLS# 1807234
Liberty: Illinois, Florida DMI: AR, CA, CO, DC, FL, GA, IN, IL, MD, MI, NV, SC, TX, UT, VI
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Account Manager:

Kyle Steen




Credit Requirements

Minimum FICO

* The minimum FICO has been increased to 640 for all FHA, VA, and USDA loans.

* Loans with FICOs between 640-659 and using gift funds require:

6 months cash reserves, or Residual income in excess of 120% of VA required (only applicable if)

borrower’s place of business remains open and is calculated on borrower’s current level of pay)

Maximum DTI

* Per AUS, however loans with DTI > 50% require a min 700 FICO or 6 months reserves.

* Per AUS, however loans with DTI > 45% and the FICO is < 660 require:

6 months cash reserves, or

* Residual income in excess of 120% of VA required (only applicable if borrower’s place of

business remains open and is calculated on borrower’s current level of pay)

Loan Programs:

Download Program Guidelines:

Elite Access Premier Access Homeowner’s Access Fresh Start Investment