A white background with a black and white logo

A drawing of the liberty bell in blue ink.LibertyMortgage

5130 W. Belmont Ave Chicago, IL 60641
Phone: 773-819-7900 Email:[email protected]NMLS# 1807234

Menu ITIN Loans FHA Mixed Use Harp Loans Cash Flow Loans Reverse Mtg. No FICO Score Rehabs


A large white house with a porch and balcony.

Low Credit Score Mortgages

With years of experience in lending that betters the financial position of our

customers, Direct Mortgage is very successful in offering and closing loans

that no one else can. We help our customersbetter their financial position

through consolidating debts and improving cash flow, which often results

in improved credit scores.


Low Credit Score Debt Consolidation Program Highlights:


Up To 75% Ltv

Credit Score:

No Minimum Credit Score.


Full Doc Only-43% DTI.


Need 2 Months PITI Post-Closing.


Gift Funds Are Acceptable.

Bankruptcy Payoff Available.

Loan Must Offer A Quantifiable Benefit.

Bankruptcy, Foreclosure And Short Sales Are Ok.

We process, underwrite, close and service all loans

in house.

Lender Costs Required at Closing, Fees Cannot Be

Rolled Into Loan.

Same day approvals and closing within 10 business

days of appraisal order.

FHA LimitsFNMA Limits For More information: Contact Us: Order Your Credit Report:  Privacy Guard